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Books with author Terry Teague Meyer

  • Juvenile Detention Centers: Your Legal Rights

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Paperback (Rosen Young Adult, Aug. 1, 2015)
    Presents information about the legal rights of youth and those being held in juvenile detention centers, including the common terminology, typical crimes, and the levels of the system.
  • I Have an Alcoholic Parent. Now What?

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Hardcover (Rosen Young Adult, Jan. 1, 2015)
    Recognizing and understanding the behavior of an alcoholic parent, as well as the impact it has on the child of an alcoholic, are important first steps toward physical well-being and emotional healing. This resource provides detailed information about the kinds of behaviors to look for, what constitutes an alcoholic beverage, and how much drinking is considered "too much." Readers will find the tools they need to identify a drinking problem, the support required to come to terms with an alcoholic person in their family, and the resources that can help them and the entire family heal.
  • Navigating a New School

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Paperback (Rosen Central, Dec. 15, 2012)
    The first day of school in a new middle school can be overwhelming and bewilderingthe maze of hallways, the hundreds of identical lockers, the locker combinations and sticky locks, the far-flung classrooms, the many teachers, the lunchroom full of unfamiliar faces. Anxiety over the strangeness and newness of all this can be running high, and making the transition from scared new student to supremely confident and self-assured middle schooler can take some time. This book helps reduce the stress, while easing and shortening the difficult transition. Full of extremely useful tips regarding orientation, locker organization, time management, choosing a lunch table, and adapting to new situations like increased homework, changing for gym in the locker rooms, and getting from class-to-class between periods, this book will turn even the most trepidatious new student into a seasoned middle school pro in no time.
  • Sexual Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Paperback (Rosen Young Adult, Aug. 1, 2015)
    Sexual trafficking is a pressing issue—and one that doesn’t receive enough attention or discussion. In this groundbreaking title, readers will come face-to-face with the realities of sexual trafficking and modern-day slavery. Myths such as the belief that slavery is a practice of the past are debunked with statistics and facts regarding the global slave trade and sexual trafficking in North America. Most important, readers will learn the warning signs of trafficking, the ways that governments are combatting the problem, and how they—as consumers—can fight back and confront sexual trafficking and slave labor.
  • The Vo-Tech Track to Success in Information Technology

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Hardcover (Rosen Classroom, Jan. 1, 2015)
    Thanks to the pervasive use of computers, cell phones, and various hand-held devices, information technology is a hot career field. Packed with pertinent information on the benefits of vocational training, this handy guide reveals how readers can become IT professionals. Included are tips for career preparation while in high school and vo-tech and certification resources. Real-world examples, derived from interviews with workers in the field, provide the voice of experience that today's students--and tomorrow's workers--crave.
  • Sexual Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Library Binding (Rosen Young Adult, Aug. 1, 2015)
    Examines the nature and causes of sexual trafficking and looks at how governments and organizations around the world are working to put an end to modern slavery.
  • Juvenile Detention Centers: Your Legal Rights

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Library Binding (Rosen Young Adult, Aug. 1, 2015)
    The U.S. Department of Justice reports that over 1.5 million people under the age of eighteen are arrested in the United States annually. A select few of these young people may have the education or familial resources to navigate the juvenile justice system and avoid detention, but the majority do not. Geared toward those teens who are most at risk, this title takes an in-depth look at the statistics and realities of juvenile detention centers. Legal expert–reviewed facts and advice paired with testimonials aim to keep juveniles in the know and out of detention centers.
  • Female Genital Cutting

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Library Binding (Rosen Young Adult, Aug. 15, 2015)
    This urgently important, unflinching, yet sensitive examination raises awareness about female genital cutting and provides essential information to help end its practice. According to a 2014 World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet, more than 125 million girls and women alive today have been subjected to some form of genital cutting in twenty-nine countries in Africa and the Middle East. Census figures (2000) show that 228,000 women and girls in the United States have suffered from such procedures or are at future risk. This indispensable volume is packed with resources to support women's physical, psychological, and emotional health and healing.
  • The Vo-Tech Track to Success in Information Technology

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Library Binding (Rosen Classroom, )
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Doing Well While Doing Good

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Hardcover (Rosen Central, Aug. 1, 2014)
    Computers, portable digital devices, social networking, crowdfunding, and other digital technologies make it possible for social entrepreneurs to solve problems far from their own neighborhoods. This unique resource provides detailed information about using new technology and online information to help readers turn dreams of a better world into reality. Solving social problems is easier with the information and resources to plan ahead, organize a team, get the word out, and find the money needed to make it happen. Readers will find out exactly how to do all of these things right here.
  • Navigating a New School

    Terry Teague Meyer

    Library Binding (Rosen Central, Jan. 10, 2013)
    The first day of school in a new middle school can be overwhelming and bewildering—the maze of hallways, the hundreds of identical lockers, the locker combinations and sticky locks, the far-flung classrooms, the many teachers, the lunchroom full of unfamiliar faces. Anxiety over the strangeness and newness of all this can be running high, and making the transition from scared new student to supremely confident and self-assured middle schooler can take some time. This book helps reduce the stress, while easing and shortening the difficult transition. Full of extremely useful tips regarding orientation, locker organization, time management, choosing a lunch table, and adapting to new situations like increased homework, changing for gym in the locker rooms, and getting from class-to-class between periods, this book will turn even the most trepidatious new student into a seasoned middle school pro in no time.
  • Optimism

    Terry Meyer

    Library Binding (Rosen Classroom, July 15, 2013)
    If you can dream it, you can do it. Contrary to popular belief, the dreamers are also the doers. Readers will find a wealth of examples of the very real and transformative power of optimism and the amazing places and giddy heights it can take you to. They will also benefit from pragmatic, real-world strategies for developing an optimistic outlook on one's life, its circumstances, and its possibilities and how to translate optimistic thought into positive action into desired outcome. While inspirational and transformative, this is also an excellent resource for fulfilling various Common Core standards for the reading of informational texts, including ample opportunities for summarizing text, evaluating an argument and the validity of its claims and reasoning, determining an author's point of view and purpose, and determining main ideas and their supporting details.