Olive Beaupre Miller and the Book House for Children
Dorothy Loring Taylor
(Chicago Review Press, Jan. 1, 1987)
My Book House, Olive Beaupre Miller's most notable work, is perhaps the best-loved of any collection of children's literature. Thousands and thousands of sets, beautifully bound and illustrated, were sold door-to-door beginning in the 1920s, by a force of saleswomen, the United States' first all-woman book sales team. My Book House was followed by My Travelship, My Book of History, and Engines and Brass Bands, all created by Olive Beaupre Miller and published by the Chicago-based company she and her husband established: the extremely successful The Bookhouse for Children. Olive Beaupre Miller and The Bookhouse for Children is a brief biography of Mrs. Miller and a description of her works, with an illustrated list of editions and a price guide for the many collectors of her books.