Altered: The world is evolving...
Susanne Valenti
(, March 10, 2018)
The world is twisting into something terrifying and new. Kaitlyn's focus must be on survival but the chances of that are getting slimmer at every turn. With everything evolving into a stronger version of its past self, she needs to find a way to do the same. She has to become strong enough to survive in this new, harsh world and with Lincoln by her side she feels it may just be possible. He is the one things she knows she can rely on while everything around them comes crashing down. The pressure of their safety weighs heavily on his shoulders and he doesn't want to trust the beating of his own heart. Though it pulls them ever closer, how can he trust in their emotions when so much has happened? One thing is certain: they need to find a way to safety before it's too late to escape. In a world where nothing is what it once was, they must find a way to adapt. Hope is fading as the storm closes in on them and time is running out...