Learning How to Stay Safe at School
Susan Kent
Library Binding
(Powerkids Pr, July 15, 2001)
Children today face many challenges, both at home and in school. Now more than ever, it is important for a child to learn how to relate well to others. Learning basic skills such as self-respect, getting along with others, and keeping out of danger will help a child face these challenges and feel good about himself or herself. The Violence Prevention Library talks about these issues in a sensitive and understanding way. Each book emphasizes both personal responsibility and the availability of people within every child's community who are there to help.Schools are not as danger-free as we would like them to be, but there are ways that kids can feel safe at school. This book will teach them how. Using simple, nonthreatening language, this book will calm kids' fears by offering them ways to deal effectively with dangers that they might find in and around school, from fighting to drug dealing to emergencies.