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Books with author Sue Messruther

  • Underwear, Underpants

    Sue Messruther

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Oct. 25, 2014)
    Mum, where is my underwear? Is it in the washing or on the floor? Perhaps you put your underwear in your draw, but this morning when you went to look for them they weren’t there any more! Huh? Where did they go you wonder? Well, there is no time to ponder! Time to dive into the imaginative world of Underwear, Underpants and find out what happens when we are sound asleep tucked up in bed with our Underwear, Underpants folded neatly in the draw, well neatly that is until they get into the hands of our Alien Creatures! To help you enjoy this book with your child, we have included some notes for parents. Book 2 of a 4 part Alien Caper Encounter series.
  • Vanashing Walking Shoes

    Sue Messruther

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Oct. 30, 2014)
    Now what would you think if you woke up in the morning and couldn’t find your shoe? What would you do if an alien stole your shoe? Where else could they be, you know you left them right there last night and now only one remains there. Well, there is no time to ponder, you look and you wonder! Time is running out, mum is yelling to get you to school, will you have to go to school with just one shoe? Time to dive into the imaginative world of Vanashing Walking Shoes and find out what happens when we are sound asleep tucked up in bed and sugar plums in our head, Vanashing Walking Shoes will have you searching all over until you find the Alien Creatures! It's time for more fun with the Alien Caper Encounters… tap the text and tap some creatures to find all of your hidden features. To help you enjoy this book with your child, we have included some notes for parents. Book 3 of a 4 part Alien Caper Encounter series.
  • Back In Time With Dinosaurs

    Sue Messruther

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Nov. 28, 2016)
    What games can dinosaurs play? I am sure just like our pets of today they would enjoy playing games but what could they play? After all they were huge and just how many hiding places would there be? Or what about a game of soccer? But chances of surviving a ball kicked by a dinosaur would be a rather slim one! In this story we find dinosaur bones and carry them to the sacred burial grounds of their ancestors but look out the T Rex is sure to be lurking some where! Working together you can help the dinosaurs, survive the hunt of the T Rex and have lots of fun. The book contains some coloring in pages and some dot to dots but that is not all. Once you have read the story and colored in you can now play a game with the dinosaurs, look out for sharp teeth, high flying dinosaurs and those T Rex’s! Collect your points, but look out you may suddenly lose some points or have to jump back some pages, worse still start again! Oh no! Keep on your toes and see how many points you can earn, then at the end find out which dinosaur you are and download your free printable certificate. Have fun!
  • Park Friends First Christmas

    Sue Messruther

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, )
  • In Search of Wonderland

    Sue Messruther

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 25, 2017)
    Wonderland has been whisked away by the Queen, and Letia has disappeared right along with it. With no one having any idea where Letia is, or what might be happening to her, Sarah, her friends, and her family, are thrust into a very tense position. With Sarah's special connection with Letia she is able to discover where Letia is and the hunt is on to rescue her. But it will not be a simple task, as their quest is taking them all the way to yet another corner of the universe that Sarah did not even know existed. A place where pirates sail the open seas, and children are sheltered by a very determined young man. Along the way Sarah is faced with revelations about Arys' darker side, and his experiences with the Queen. She must once more decide whether she can overlook the actions he has taken in the past. With Letia's life on the line, and Wonderland still missing, there is nothing that Sarah can do but hope that one day she will be able to defeat the Queen. Arys isn't the only one with a past that is being revealed. During their journey to save Letia, Sarah must also navigate some new truths about both her mother and her father. During an attempt to connect with her mother, to understand the truth about what happened during her own childhood, Sarah is given a glimpse into her mother's. It is revealed to her how her mother first met her father, and how their lives became permanently intertwined not just by affection, but by destiny. As Sarah attempts to make sense of all that is revealed to her, she is also confronted by the growing tension between herself and Arys. It seems as though the deeper her love for him becomes, the more intense their encounters inevitably are. She is certain that if she just had a few moments with him, without the constant fear, and the constant fury, they could truly explore their connection. It seems she might finally get that opportunity when Harry shows up with an invitation to a very special celebration. A wedding! Sarah is convinced it is just what they all need in order to lighten the mood in their odd little family. Despite the fact that she is met with very strong resistance from both Arys and Adam, Sarah manages to get her way. Just as she begins to settle into the idea that she might have a real opportunity to connect with Arys and to even just for a second let go of the chaos her life has become, she is faced with the biggest surprise of all. She certainly never expected that there would be a beast invited to the wedding. From the reaction of the other guests, as well as Arys and Adam, she is sure that they didn't expect him either. However to everyone's surprise it is Marian, Sarah's mother, who comes to the defense of the wild animal. Was it a mistake to attend the wedding? Was it a mistake to believe she could ever be strong enough to defeat the Queen? The only thing that Sarah knows for certain, is that everything she ever believed about her life, her childhood, and her family, has turned out to be a lie. With so much to question, and so much more to be wary of, can Sarah find a way to accept these new revelations and move forward? As Sarah, daughter of Alice of Wonderland's, own story unfolds, will she wish that she had simply kept her nose tucked into a book instead of discovering that there was an entire universe that she was blissfully unaware of?
  • Neverland is in the cards

    Sue Messruther

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 27, 2017)
    Just when Sarah believes she will have the romantic moment with Arys that she has been craving, at one of the most beautiful weddings she has ever witnessed, she is confronted with an ugly truth from her past: Her father is a beast. With this revelation comes a myriad of emotions, and Sarah is certain that it will take some time to sort them all out. The Queen makes her presence known, and her control over Arys quite clear, drawing fury from Sarah. After Sarah bravely stands up against the Queen in defense of Arys, he is not as grateful as he is fascinated. How has Sarah overcome the Queen's power over him? Could there be some truth to the whispered suspicions that Sarah has dark magic within her? He isn't the only one surprised by her abilities, Sarah is left more confused than ever. Her once normal life has transformed into one that seems purely paranormal, but some things have not changed. Her adoration for Arys, and her investigation of her family's history. When her mother is stolen from her once more, and with Letia's assistance Sarah begins a long journey deep within the mind and memories of her mother. As risky as it is for her, Sarah knows that it must be done, as she cannot lose her mother again. Even after such an eye-opening experience Sarah is thrust into yet another mystery. When she discovers the powerful tool that her brother has been wielding she receives a grave glimpse of what is unfolding on the island of Neverland. She must set aside her own fears and confusion in order to stop a terrible tragedy from unfolding. As she works together with her father, she is confronted with the truth of the beast within him. As terrifying as it is to see him snarling and hungry, she realizes that she is braver than she thinks, and stronger than she thinks. Throughout their journey, she discovers more about her father's past with the Queen, and gains a deeper understanding of just how bitter she has become. As the Queen is permanently damaged by the past, Sarah wonders if her father will remain a beast for the rest of his life. As Sarah begins to understand her own abilities, she is growing more confident, but with that confidence comes a renewed determination to take risks. A cryptic message reveals more about her family history, and a connection to the Queen that Sarah never could have imagined. By looking through her mother's eyes into the past, Sarah is given a pure glimpse into the creation of a monster. Armed with this knowledge she begins to decipher just what makes the Queen as powerful and destructive as she is. Without knowing for certain that her discovery is valid, she must test it out on someone she holds very dear. Will her hunch be correct, or will it put everyone in danger once more? Will Sarah and Arys ever have the opportunity to express their true feelings for one another?
  • Unicorn Magic 2019 Diary: Black and White Version

    Sue Messruther

    Paperback (Independently published, Nov. 7, 2018)
    The Official 2019 Calendar Diary Series Don’t miss out on the Official 2019 Diary Series Calendar, these make a great gift, stocking filler or secret Santa gift for friends and family! This 2019 Calendar features images on every page in a daily planner date grid layout. This calendar will keep you organised with all of your appointments, Birthdays and daily notes kept handy all in one place plus add some fun and happiness to your year with the delightful images. Available in Colour or Black and White.Diary Specs:2019 Calendar family organiser 15.2 x 22.9 cm x 130 pages12-month calendar, 8 days to view layout with notes section at the bottom of every page to mark down every event you have planned.Holiday dates are not marked as this is sold world wide and we all have holidays celebrated at different times of the year.
  • Abu swings into Wonderland

    Sue Messruther

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 25, 2017)
    It is always calmest before the storm. Sarah and Arys are about to learn exactly how true that is. There is no time for celebration when a dark Queen is attempting to take over the entire universe. Still Sarah and Arys are hoping for a nice rest at home after their latest adventures, perhaps even a chance to discover exactly what all the tension between them could lead to. Reuniting with family, and spending some down time in each other’s arms, is what their goal is for their few days of rest. However, their plans are interrupted by a dire warning from Sarah's mother, which inspires Sarah to launch back several unspoken accusations at her mother. Will they ever be able to mend their relationship after the words they exchange? All of this is followed up by the revelation of just how influential Sarah can be on the choices that Arys would like to make for his daughter. Sarah is the key to binding the little girl's powers, which Arys believes strongly is in her best interest. But does Sarah agree? Will she be willing to sacrifice her own beliefs and instincts for the sake of respect Arys' decision as a father? Will it create such a chasm between the two that their kindling romance will be snuffed out before it even has the chance to grow? Before any of this can be answered their restful return home is interrupted by yet another dilemma. The Queen is not pleased with their recent activities and she wants to make her presence, and her intentions clear. With the chaos unfolding around them it is difficult to find the time to consider each other’s feelings, and Sarah and Arys are once more being tugged in different directions. Will the conflict they are faced with draw them together or sever their connection forever? One hairy little visitor might be the deciding factor, as his plea for help stops all of their attempts at resolution in their tracks. As they take the leap into yet another world, one that Arys is familiar with, and more of his dark past is revealed, will Sarah continue to be able to overlook his past support for the Queen? Will the example of yet another impossible romance finally make them both open their eyes to the notion that they can be together or will it only illustrate the risks of following their hearts despite the warnings of others? With so much pressure constantly on their minds, they are pitted against a new enemy, a man they didn't even know existed, a man who may be the ultimate foe. Sarah and Arys have certainly never been strong enough to overcome their own personal demons or the relentless attacks of the Queen and her soldiers. Will they be able to change that pattern if they finally surrender and fully join forces, or will their adventure once again lead them down an even more deadly path? Who knew the Queen had a son, and just who is Jafar?
  • Wonderland's Final Chapter

    Sue Messruther

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 27, 2017)
    There once was a spark of light, and from that spark of light grew the universe. This first line in a sacred book that Sarah is able to read for the very first time, invites her to finally understand the secrets that have been evading her. As Sarah discovers more about the story of Zya's creation, she begins to feel a deeper sympathy for the Queen, who, despite her evil nature was after all once as innocent as any infant. But this growing sympathy is infuriating to Arys, who has suffered extreme personal loss at the hands of the Queen. Will the fact that he cannot fathom Sarah's ability to express unconditional love, for someone as vile as Zya, drive a wedge between them? Marian's attempts to forge an alliance between the dimensions hinges on her history and the connection her family has with the Queen. Suspicion is cast in a surprising direction, and convincing such a vast array of beings to work side by side in an attempt to destroy the Queen once and for all is no simple task. While Marian is relying heavily on Azor's support, Sarah and Arys are having a completely different experience. Arys who has begun to trust Sarah, has joined her on a journey, the ending of which he does not expect. Sarah commits an act of treason out of pure love, though whether or not it will be accepted as such, she can't know for sure. As heart breaking as her decision is, she is all too aware that it is her choice to make. As she offers herself in service to the Queen, a gift is given to Zya as an example of Sarah's loyalty. Has Sarah truly become so sympathetic to the Queen that she is willing to join her cause and will sacrifice anything and anyone to have that opportunity? As sharp as the blade she wields, Sarah's mind is constantly planning ahead, but will she be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice of giving up her only chance at true love for the sake of the universe? In the fall out of Sarah's actions there is a deep grief that creeps through every dimension of existence. A sensation of surrender threatens to tear apart the tenuous bond that has been formed between warriors from all of the planes. Many are willing to accept defeat, but with the determination of those who aren't, will they be swayed back into combating the Queen? Loyal friends and some enemies are being forced together in a last ditch attempt, what some would consider a pointless endeavor, at surviving the wrath of the Queen. The battle line has been drawn. Though no one is certain of Sarah's fate, the universe's future still hangs in the balance. Believing that Sarah might be their ally behind enemy lines, her father, leading an army of warriors takes a brave step forward and declares war on the Queen. What they do not know is what they will face when they confront the Queen in her own domain, on the empty expanse that surrounds the Obsidian Palace. Though they might not be aware of what weapons the Queen has in store for them, they are aware of just how powerful she is. The only advantage that they may have, is Sarah manipulating the Queen's good graces, and Arys being alive.