Beginners Algebra Practice - Vol 1
Steven Smith
(, April 21, 2012)
Algebra (from Arabic al-jebr meaning "reunion of broken parts") is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. Together with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatorics, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of Mathematics. The roots of algebra goes back to the ancient Babylonians, who developed a system of mathematical calculation that allowed them to do complex calculations in an alogrithimic fashion.The study of Algebra is a continuation of all the arithmetic practice that the student has been going through the early years of Math. Algebra expands on the basic knowledge of arthimetic and broadens the knowledge of numbers and their relationship. Through practice of concepts through word problems and other real life examples the student gains mastery to move towards the more complex parts like Linear Algebra, Algebraic geometry, Abstract Algebra etc.This book is aimed at the beginner who is starting with understanding the basic concepts of Algebra. Students are gently introduced to the various concepts through simple word problems and practical examples. There are 9 sets of exercicses in this volume, slowly expanding the concept and theory with increasing complexity. There are nearly 200 word problems and examples that should give the aspiring student a thorough grounding in the basic concepts of Algebra.Happy problem solving.Steven Smith