Splashing in the Deep End: Adventures Raising Boys
Steven K. Smith
(MyBoys3 Press, April 26, 2016)
"A must read for any parent" "I laughed out loud!" The hardest part of raising our three little boys is the exhaustion. We weren't prepared for that in the beginning. Now we're prepared, but just not handling it well. Ever wonder if you should laugh or cry at the end of a long day with young kids? Do you find yourself yelling to your spouse/children/neighbor/dog, “So help me if you wake that baby!” You’re not alone. Life with small kids is hard, but it just might be the best thing out there. Steven K. Smith, dad to three boys, children’s fiction author, husband, and coach, recounts in equal parts humor and sentiment the adventures of raising young children, particularly boys. Parents of all ages will quickly relate to the joys and struggles of a dad doing his best to keep his head above water in the deep end of the pool. Also by Steven K. Smith: The Virginia Mysteries - Middle Grade Adventures with a Twist of History for Ages 7-12 Book 1 - Summer of the Woods Book 2 - Mystery on Church Hill Book 3 - Ghosts of Belle Isle Book 4 - Secret of the Staircase Book 5 - Midnight at the Mansion Book 6 - Shadows at Jamestown Book 7 - Spies at Mount Vernon Brother Wars Brother Wars: Cabin Eleven