Heavens Above
Stephen Walsh
(, Feb. 11, 2011)
This engaging children’s novel follows the story of a haphazard father who, due to one of his characteristic bungles, finds himself embroiled within a tale about the stars which he’d dreamed up as a bedtime story for his two children. An enthralling Christmas tale written to be read to children aged 6 - 10, Heavens Above is a spiralling journey of discovery and revelation. It captivates the imagination as fiction becomes fact, and the stars in the sky are forced to confront their nemesis, the wicked Irfana and his band of 'Inklings', who plan to rid the sky of its light. As the story unravels, the fates of those both in the sky and on the ground entwine and develop into a gripping crescendo. Along the way, the characters, under the guidance of the wise North Star, learn the importance of belief in themselves, and that everything that happens, happens for a reason...