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Books with author Stephanie Dray

  • My Tiara Is Giving Me A Headache: Part One

    Stephanie Dolce

    language (, Sept. 28, 2012)
    "My name is Kellie Harrison and I hate my life. There I said it, are you happy now? I hate, just hate how everyone “assumes” that I have the entire world in the palm of my hand. They think that everything just falls into my lap and that everything in my life comes up roses. Ah, so perfect- NOT!I don't know how I got here but I am the girl who everyone reveres and treats like “a princess.” All the kids at Valley High treat me as if one day I will rule the world. (yeah, no pressure.)"
  • My Tiara is Giving Me A Headache!

    stephanie Dolce

    language (, Feb. 19, 2013)
    Things are heating up for Kellie Harrison in ways she didn't want them too. Not only does she find out how the other girls have it "in" for her, but the guy who she has had a major crush on is about to go against her too! Will Kellie finally get the last laugh?Read parts 1-4 in this special edition today!!
  • My Tiara Is Giving Me A Headache: Part Two

    Stephanie Dolce

    language (, Sept. 28, 2012)
    “You aren't a threat to me Kellie, in fact I you are jealous of me- I'm not in no way, shape or form jealous of you having a date with Parker at all. In fact I heard that not only did you have a date with Parker but that you were playing kissy face with his brother! That's so typical of you. You are a stalkin' no good FAKE and its time everyone sees that. ~Marissa”
  • My Tiara Is Giving Me A Headache: Part Three

    Stephanie Dolce

    language (, Nov. 24, 2013)
    What happens when Kellie goes to school the day after she is attacked on Facebook? How will she handle this crisis? Will the bullies finally face the consequences of their actions or will they make Kellie look as if she is the bully not the victim?
  • Untouched: The Novel Sneak Peek

    Stephanie Dolce

    language (Sassy Books, Aug. 7, 2014)
    We met Kellie Harrison in the mini-series, "My Tiara Is Giving Me A Headache!" Now, in the "Untouched," We learn more about who Kellie is and how she not only finally gets the last laugh but now a year later she is about to embark on finding out who she really is and what life is all about: adventures, men, and sexuality. “What the hell am I experimenting with this guy, Gina? Physics?” Gina bursts out laughing, “ Oh Kellie! It's a guy whom you are not emotionally attached to so therefore you can just have, you know, fun with him.” “Fun?”“Oh God Kellie! Do I really have to spell it out?”“Um, yes Gina, spelll it out!”“Sex Kellie! S-E-X! Get it?”“Oh, I got it Gina, I got it alright.”
  • Copycat

    Stephanie Sim

    Hardcover (Simply Read Books, Feb. 19, 2016)
    All the copycat―a literally made-of-paper, printed out cat―wants is to play with the real cats, but they aren’t interested. In this playful wordless picture book, the copycat must learn to make his own way rather than copying others...and he might even make some friends in the process.
  • Leaving Home

    Stephanie Doyon

    Mass Market Paperback (Simon Pulse, May 1, 1999)
    After reaching New York City, Miranda quickly realizes that running away from her problems may not have been the wisest choice and begins to doubt her survival in the big city. Original.
  • My Tiara is Giving Me A Headache!

    stephanie dolce

    language (, June 28, 2013)
    As I finished telling him the story of how he told everyone we had sex and that I was planning on sleeping with the entire football team, I could see Jude's face turn bright red and then a puke green. All of a sudden Jude stands up and says quite loud, “I'm going to kill him!” Will Jude help her get back at those who wanted to destroy her? What action will she take? Find out how Kellie handles being cyber bullied in The Finale Part 1 of 2.
  • Taking Chances

    Stephanie Doyon

    Mass Market Paperback (Simon Pulse, July 1, 1999)
    Although prepared to face the mountain alone, Miranda's plans change when she meets Dustin and makes the decision that his companionship may be beneficial to her. Original.
  • Making Waves

    Stephanie Doyon

    Paperback (Simon Pulse, Feb. 27, 2012)
    Getting there was all the fun...Miranda just has to see the Pacific Ocean. Then she'll know she's finally made it -- all the way across the country. And when they get to San Francisco, she'll be reunited with her high school buddy, Chloe -- something Miranda's been looking forward to for over 3,000 miles.But reaching the West Coast isn't the big deal Miranda thought it would be. And seeing Chloe again is even less fun. Something's not right between the two best friends. Could Chloe have changed that much in just a few months...or is it Miranda who's really different now?
  • Buying Time

    Stephanie Doyon

    Paperback (Simon Pulse, Feb. 27, 2012)
    Building experience...She'd been warned not to trust Kirsten. But Miranda thought their plan was foolproof. She never expected her road buddy to get cold feet at the last minute and leave her stranded in New Jersey.Now Miranda has two choices: go home, or head south to visit Jayson, her big brother. Too embarrassed to throw in the towel, she makes her way to Virginia, where she finds Jay building houses for a community service project. Hammering nails in the summer heat was not what Miranda had in mind when she left home a month ago. But she also never expected to see Kirsten again....
  • Making Waves

    Stephanie Doyon

    Mass Market Paperback (Simon Pulse, Aug. 1, 1999)
    After moving across the country, Miranda creates a home for herself on the west coast, yet when she develops a new personality to go along with her new surroundings, she quickly discovers that it does not sit well with her old friends back home. Original.