Dogs, jackals, wolves, and foxes; a monograph of the Canidæ
St. George Jackson Mivart
(, Sept. 13, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1890 edition. Excerpt: ...Fox, Catesby's Nat. Hist, of Carolina, ii. p. 78 (1731). Zorro of the Mexicans, Baird, Rep. U.S. Mexican Boundary, p. 17. Tigrillo of the Costa-Ricans, Frantzius, loc. cit. Colishe of the Apaches, Baird, U.S. Mexican Boundary, ii. p. 17. This exceedingly distinct species has been commonly spoken of as the "Grey Fox" or the "Virginian Pox;" but as it is a widely different animal from the true fox, we have preferred to denote it by a native name, rather than employ a trivial one which we deem misleading. Indeed, this species appears to us to have affinities rather with the South-American Canidce than with its other Nearctic congeners, all of which latter species and varieties are closely allied to, where they are not specifically identical with, the Common Fox of Europe and Northern Asia. Though spoken of as a "Virginian" animal, it has a very southern range. There are specimens in the British Museum from Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica, and it may thus be an animal which has extended northwards from its original area. Canis virginianus appears to have been first made known, after Hernandez, by Catesby, who, in his ' Natural History of Carolina,' gives a very bad figure and a few words as to its habits. Its scientific name was bestowed by Schreber, although the work in which it appears is dated a year later than Erxleben's, who nevertheless refers to Schreber's name and to his (for its date) very tolerable figure. But the first really good representation is the coloured plate of F. Cuvier, although it represents an immature individual. A good figure of an adult animal appears to us still a desideratum, and this we have endeavoured to supply by our Plate XX., which represents an individual obtained from...