The American Jew as patriot, soldier and citizen
Simon Wolf
(, May 13, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1895 Excerpt: ...Morris i6th Infantry Seixas, B. M. 20th Infantry Solomon, J. F. 20th Infantry Schiller, Louis ist Cavalry Sommers, Isaac Heavy Artillery Killed at Siege of Fort Moultrie. Shapira, L. D. Hampton Legion Sampson, Henry Stuart's Command Sampson, E. J. Killed 0n June 27, i864; buried in Jewish Cemetery, Richmond, Virginia. Triest, Maier 24th Infantry Valentine, Jacob Captain Infantry Served while a mere youth in the Palmetto Regiment during the Mexican War and was wounded in the storming of Cherubusco. He was believed to be the youngest pensioner of the United States Government. He lived in Philadelphia at the passage of ' Secession," and immediately went to Charleston, offering his services to his native State. He was appointed Lieutenant in the first South Carolina regular infantry and took part in the bombardment of Fort Sumter, in April, i86i. He served in this regiment from that time continuously until December, i863, when he was severely wounded while in command of Fort Moultrie. This wound was of so serious a character as to prevent him from performing any fur-ther active service. He was detailed to the recruiting department in which he served until the close of the war. During the Mexican War he received two medals; one for bravery on the battle-field, and another for being the youngest soldier in the regiment. Rank. Name. Valentine, Isaac R. Killed at Secessionville. Valentine, H. M. Wounded at Secessionville Valentine, Herz Wounded in action. Valentine, I. Seriously wounded. Company. Regiment. Sumter Guards Sumter Guards Palmetto Guards Palmetto Guards Witkowski,.adolph 2nd Infantry Severely wounded at the Wilderness. Wachtel, M. Wertheim, Herman Lieutenant Killed at Spottsylvania. Wertheim, Berthold G Wetherhorn, Solomon E Wolf, D. G Captured; di...