A cute and funny story of a bunny rabbit named Boo who lives in a hole in the ground and his adventures on his walk through the woods and the animals he encounters on his way. For children ages 3 to 6.
Story of Norman the Sea Turtle and a look at his life under the sea and the many sea creatures he interacts with. The bright, playful illustrations add a whimsical touch to this fun story for little listeners learning about marine life.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 20, 2014)
Sam the Boxer is at it again, this time he visits a farm and interacts with all the farm animals and a spooky scarecrow. Follow him along on this adventure. This is book 3 of the series.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 7, 2014)
Another adventure for Sam the Boxer. In this book Sam goes Camping in the woods and meets all kinds of wildlife. Please check out Sam's other adventure books and more are in the works.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 26, 2015)
A story about a crab named Little Blue who lives at the beach and the other sea critters he runs into both on the beach and in the water as he explores.