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Books with author Seth Thompson

  • Self Help for Men: Confidence, Assertiveness and Self-Esteem Training

    John Adams, Seth Thompson

    Audible Audiobook (John Adams, Dec. 11, 2018)
    Do you have a hard time making decisions? Is it difficult for you to share your opinion in meetings at work? Do you normally do all the hard work but other extroverted people get the credit? Then pay attention. If you can answer "Yes" to two of the above questions, then you probably have a low self-esteem and a low level of confidence. This reflects in your assertiveness at work, at home, and life in general. You are probably investigating what you can do about it. Stop searching further, you have come to the right place. Here is a tiny fraction of what you will discover in Self Help for Men: Five reasons why people, especially women, like confident men How you can update your mind-set to get further in work and life in general What the percolator effect means and what you should do against it The importance of body language and assertiveness The first and most important step to start with in your journey to increase your confidence Thirteen examples how to say "No" in a respectful and assertive way The number-one thing confident people avoid and six tips how to do it The importance of body language and assertiveness What oxytocin does in your body and how you can raise it The way a great inventor looked at his failures, but more importantly, how this relates to your success and happiness The six best NLP-based techniques you can use to improve your self-esteem and thus become an attractive husband Four very effective tools to consistently change your thinking patterns and improve your confidence. Step-by-step guide to eliminate your bad habits and replace them with good ones so you become a better version of yourself. What can you learn from the famous '70s movie Rocky regarding your confidence? And much, much more. You might wonder if listening to an audiobook can help you get a healthy self-esteem and level of confidence. Maybe you have read some other books that seemed good while reading, but after a few weeks, you fell back into your old habits. Don't worry. This audiobook is packed with exercises, techniques, and tools to improve your assertiveness, self-esteem, and level of confidence for the long run. This audiobook will encourage you to start working on your new self to greatly improve your chances of success. Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you are confident about yourself and how your wife, colleagues, and friends will treat you. So even if you're shy or an introvert, the exercises, tools, techniques, and habits will give you the self-confidence you are looking for if you are willing to do the exercises and apply the techniques. Do you have a burning desire to be confident, assertive, and to have a high self-esteem?Then scroll up and click "Buy Now."
  • Stoicism for Business: Ancient Stoic Wisdom and Practical Advice for Building Mental Toughness, Productivity Habits and Success in Modern Management

    R. Stevens, Seth Thompson

    Audible Audiobook (R. Stevens, May 27, 2019)
    In modern day business the challenges become bigger and bigger. You get more and more messages, Emails and meetings every day. You need to make more decisions and getting overwhelmed by requests from colleagues, unplanned setbacks, projects failing, or going over budget, etc. Other business men like, Tim Ferris, famous from his bestseller, the four-hour workweek, and Tony Robbins, one of the most popular self-help gurus in the world, credit their success to applying stoic principles in their lives and businesses as well. Even more, they are making good money by teaching stoic principles...packed in modern business people around the world. In Stoicism for Business you'll discover: How one of the greatest presidents of the United States prioritized and boosted his Productivity in only 2 steps (page 40) How to eliminate doubts and become a decision-making machine (page 37) The number 1 trait that distinguishes the best leaders from average leaders. Once you know it, it's very simple to apply. (page 47) The stoic way of controlling your energy and exactly how to take advantage of it in modern day business (page 48) The 3 step Emotional Control Manual for sound unbiased decision making which most great leaders apply unconsciously The only rule you need to apply to become as efficient as Google and Amazon (page 44) Check out this short story about the ancient Greek, Damocles, to convert yourself directly from procrastinator into action taker, and goal crusher. (page 57) The one difference between the small group of highly successful people, and the average Joe, according to this famous and successful billionaire. And it's not your intelligence and you don't have to be rich to start (page 59) The stoic way of dealing with adversity, obstacles and how to persevere (page 61) The simple 3 Step Inspiration and Motivation Plan based on Jack Ma's...billionaire, founder and CEO of AliBaBa and on life and business, which brought him all his success. Even when the odds were stacked against him. A checklist for what to do when one of your employees under perform (page 87) How to approach stress and anxiety like a stoic, by putting things into perspective (page 101) How to leverage and keep your high performers on board by asking them these simple questions. Most leaders are too busy to spend 5 minutes and end-up losing their most talented people (page 100) PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.
  • Masculine Emotional Intelligence: The 30-Day-EI-Mastery-Program for a Healthy Relationship with Yourself, Your Partner, Friends, and Colleagues

    John Adams, Seth Thompson

    Audible Audiobook (John Adams, Aug. 6, 2019)
    The way you understand your own and other people´s emotions...will not only influence the relationship with your partner, family, and friends...maybe even more importantly, with colleagues, your manager, and peers at work. Improving your emotional intelligence can have a big positive influence on all aspects of your life, and even directly increase your income and career trajectory. The fact that emotional intelligence has become an important part of the curriculum of $66,000 MBA programs leaves clues as well. Here´s a small part of what you´ll discover inside Masculine Emotional Intelligence: Use "the emotional X-ray scan" to recognize emotions from other people, solely based on body language and facial expressions. Mastering this will get you a lot of respect and a high social status and can be used both at work as at home. (Warning: This can give you an unfair advantage.) Why society gives men in general an unfair disadvantage regarding emotional intelligence...and what you can do about it today. The "instant chill pill" so you return quickly to normal speaking volume and de-escalate the tension when you're angry or having a fight with your partner. Works even if you´re boiling with rage. An eye-opening, real-life example of how low emotional intelligence can cost you your career. Learn from this harrowing example, so you can prevent it happening to you. How to analyze your emotions at work, so you can strategically plan your behaviors and reactions. Three ways to effectively manage your frustrations, so you avoid suffering from the consequences when you get mad. Four proven methods to reduce nervousness and worrying, so you can focus your thoughts and energy on solutions. Three down-to-earth and practical tips to manage your anger, so you can avoid a divorce or lay-off. The six steps to discover your own emotions, to prevent broken relationships and problems at work. And much, much more... Other books on this subject tend to be quite theoretical and academic. This book, written in plain English, is jam-packed with day-to-day examples. Including The 30-day EQ mastery program which guides you step-by-step through essentials on how to deal with your own, and other people´s emotions. Explained through very relatable real life situations, at work, at home, or wherever. Maybe you doubt if you can develop emotional intelligence later in life. Well, scientific studies show, that five-year-olds significantly improved their EI with only a few hours of practice. This indicates emotional intelligence isn´t something you´re born with. You can improve and develop further during your life, at any age.
  • How Great Leaders Think, Act and Communicate: Mental Systems of the World's Richest Businessmen: Upgrade Your Productivity with Stoicism, Emotional Intelligence & Decision Making Techniques

    R. Stevens, Seth Thompson

    Audible Audiobook (R. Stevens, Sept. 23, 2019)
    Give two people the same information and the results and output can be totally different. One can become a millionaire and happy. The other one can stay poor and unhappy with the exact same information. If you want to discover why, then keep reading... At work, you have a lot of decisions to make and questions to answer. You get distracted by colleagues and minor tasks all the time, which prevents you from doing the important stuff. So, you´re wondering what you can learn from the successful millionaires and billionaires. Imagine that you use the same models, thinking systems and act in the same way as these successful and extremely rich leaders. This will have a great positive influence on how people perceive you, your career trajectory and of course on your income. Here is a tiny fraction of what you´ll discover: Discover the successful personal thought models of Elon Musk, Albert Einstein, and Ray Dalio. Avoid these 9 common mistakes of new leaders. How to leverage and keep your high team's performers of your team on board. The "Rise-In-Leadership-Level-Technique". Use this to free up mental energy and resources for the most important decisions. Positive Side effect: You will become less tired very quickly. Use this "US-Navy-principle" as the foundation of your decision making. It will save time, energy, and costs, while increasing your profits and salary. The key difference between the small group of highly successful people, and the average Joe, according to this successful billionaire). Hint: it´s not related to your intelligence and not related to your net worth. The "3-step-Emotional-Control-Manual" for sound unbiased decision making which most great leaders apply unconsciously. How one of the greatest presidents of the United States evaluated each task and decision. This insight will do wonders for your productivity and decision-making speed. How to simplify your internal decision-making process to become more productive. How to recognize the 7 facial expressions in 1 second so you know exactly what to say in a difficult conversation. And much, much more You don´t need a master's degree in psychology, math or philosophy. The practical examples, straight from the office floor, written in plain English and will give you the tools you need to apply these models and techniques right away. Maybe you feel like you´re not a born leader? Don´t worry, scientific research among identical twins shows that 20 percent of trait is born and 80 percent is learned and developed during life. To prepare you mentally as a leader you´ll get access to four programs and summaries. The following programs are designed to upgrade your self-awareness, thinking models, and your emotional intelligence: A summary of 29 mental models, some used by billionaires, former presidents, and leaders throughout history. The 5-minute a day self-awareness and reflection plan All the Stoic quotes in an easy to print format, to give you your daily portion of inspiration. The 4-week-EQ-Booster-Program, to improve your Emotional Intelligence in just 20 minutes a day So, if you´re ready to be the leader you want and need to be, get this audiobook now.
  • An Alliance of Mortals

    J.J. Thompson

    Almost two decades after the human race fell to the might and fury of the ancient dragons, the last of humanity is gathered together in Nottinghill Castle. Barely a thousand souls have survived in that time and they face constant threats from the evil forces of the Chaos lords. But thanks to their mages, their warriors, and the indomitable human spirit, they have managed to cling to life. So far.But things are now changing on the New Earth. The dwarves, long isolated in their empire deep beneath the surface, have been attacked by the goblin hordes and this has roused the dwarven people's fury. They have finally realized that, even in their secluded cities hundreds of miles below the ground, they are not safe.And now, a new player has returned to the world. The elves have been driven from their home of Trillfarness, a planet given to them in ancient times by the lords of Light. Evil has destroyed that sanctuary and only a handful of survivors have managed to return to the world where they were first created. Shattered but not broken, the elves are weak and vulnerable and in need of allies. But who can they turn to in their darkest hour?Old suspicions linger between the elves and the dwarves. Once rivals, neither race trusts the other and many dwarves would rather stand alone. Will they be able to work out their differences in time to save the world and themselves? The human race may be the key.If they can bring both sides together and forge an alliance between all three of the mortal races, perhaps they can finally take the fight to the forces of Darkness and take back their world. If not, then the New Earth may finally fall to evil.
  • The Hunt for Hyperion

    J.J. Thompson

    language (J.J. Thompson, June 9, 2014)
    Fifteen year old Justin McLeod is in trouble. Born five thousand years after his race was destroyed in the fall of Atlantis, Justin and a handful of other new Titans are fighting for their survival.Shadowy government forces want to capture them and use their powers for their own dark purposes. And Hyperion, an ancient Titan who has awoken from stasis after sleeping for millennia, wants to destroy the new Titans so that he may conquer the world unimpeded.In a battle to save their home, a hidden underground complex called Sanctuary, Justin and his friends fight off Hyperion and his forces. But in doing so, they pay a heavy price. Many young Titans have fallen. Their human allies have been decimated. And Justin is trapped holding back an ancient corruption that threatens to destroy Sanctuary itself.He will do his best, and he will not surrender. But even now he is weakening. And not even a new Titan like Justin McLeod can hold back the tide of evil forever.
  • The Dragons of Decay

    J.J. Thompson

    eBook (J.J. Thompson, July 29, 2015)
    The old world of technology has fallen and a new world, filled with magic, has risen from the ashes. Humanity, decimated by massive dragon attacks, is now on the brink of extinction. Those who have survived have been Changed, altered by the gods to enable them to exist in a world thick with magical energy. But a handful have become more and the greatest of these is Simon O'Toole.Simon, once a heavy-set, middle-aged IT worker had been Changed into a slight young man brimming with power: a wizard. Trying to master his new magical skills and fighting to survive against the dragons that are hunting down the few remaining Changlings, the young wizard now faces the greatest threat of his new life. Brown dragons, led by an arrogant and incredibly powerful primal dragon, have invaded the land of the elves, one of humanity's only allies. On the New Earth, the red dragons are aggressively searching for the last of the Changlings. And now Simon has to choose: protect his own people from the ravages of the dragons on this world, or travel to the elven realm to try to save his allies. He is only one man, faced with a terrible choice, and if he makes the wrong decision, it could mean the extinction of the human race and the rise of the gods of Chaos.
  • The Fall of the Elves

    J.J. Thompson

    The home world of the elves is known as Trillfarness. It was created millennia ago for the elvish race by the lords of Light as a safe haven when they were threatened by the ancient gods of Chaos. Hidden away from the mortal realms, the elves were safe from evil. They lived in harmony with nature, far from the conflicts that plagued the Earth. But now something has changed. Trillfarness has come closer to the plane of Earth than it has ever been and some elves fear that the old evil gods have found them once again. Darkness is stirring in remote corners of their planet and the peaceful elves are threatened. But their race hasn't known war for ages uncounted. Can they stand against the old gods who seek to wipe out their kind? Or will they fall and be lost in the dust of history?
  • The Dragons Return

    J.J. Thompson

    language (J. J. Thompson, Dec. 3, 2014)
    Over 3 years ago, the old Earth began to die. Technology started to break down. Electricity failed. Machines stopped working. Planes, trains and cars became useless hunks of metal. And then the dragons came.On the Night of Burning, the world's great cities were reduced to slag and rubble by dragon fire. Civilization, as we knew it. ceased to be.But before the end came, the Changlings appeared. A few humans, children and adults alike, began to mutate into...something else. Ears became pointed, fingers fused or elongated. Their old languages were lost to them and they began to babble in unknown tongues. Perhaps one in a hundred thousand Changed. Simon O'Toole was one of them.Back then, he was a rather large, middle-aged man. Now he's a skinny, awkward teenager.Simon has lost everything; his family, his friends, the world that he once knew. But he has gained something as well. Through hints in dreams, he has learned to use magical runes that can summon elementals. He can cast fireballs and lightning. In short, Simon has become a wizard.Slowly, carefully, he is learning to use this new power. It might take years to master his magic. Years that Simon may not have.The dragons are still on the hunt. They search for the scattered survivors of their invasion and, when these mundane humans have been exterminated, the dragons will then track down and kill those few who became Changlings. And that means that Simon is rapidly running out of time.
  • The Dragons Revenge

    J.J. Thompson

    language (J. J. Thompson, March 9, 2015)
    Less than four years ago, Simon O'Toole was a middle-aged I.T. specialist. Now, after the fall of technology and the rise of magic, he has been Changed. He has become a young wizard, struggling to use his new-found powers and trying to survive in a world rich in magical energy and filled with reborn, legendary evil. The world itself has changed. Humans, the few that are left, are being hunted down and destroyed by dragons, the agents of darkness. Only when the last of humanity is destroyed can the ancient ones, the gods of Chaos, return and reclaim the New Earth.Simon, with the help of a handful of allies, managed to destroy a great evil and has now attracted the attention of the Chaotic gods themselves. Only by becoming a powerful wizard and making more allegiances can Simon hope to save the last few remnants of the human race. Time is short and the darkness is growing ever stronger.
  • Tumble Tails: Tilley Tumble

    Beth Thompson

    Paperback (Aireborough Press, Dec. 1, 2018)
    A heart warming and empowering story of an adorable little bunny rabbit who cannot keep still. Tilley Tumble is the busiest, bounciest and bendiest little bunny in Barley Burrow! Tilley is full of energy - she leaps through the forest and she swings from the trees, and she spends most of her time upside down. But Tilley Tumble creates such a mess and poor Mommy Tumble does not know what to do. When a new gymnastics club opens in Barley Burrow, Tilley can’t wait to join. She is nervous but dreams that one day she might become a famous gymnastics superstar. Tilley soon discovers that gymnastics is not so easy for a little bunny. She thinks her ears are too long and her feet are too big, and she is too scared to jump off the vault. Will Tilley Tumble conquer her fears? And can a little bunny really become the next gymnastics superstar? In this beautifully illustrated picture book, you will follow the adventures of an adorable little bunny, as she bounces through life, overcomes her fears and follows her dreams. This is a great, fun book for girls and boys who love bunny rabbits and love being active. It encourages physical activity and will help to motivate children to get out and get active. It is aimed at children aged 3 to 11. If you like animal tales such as Angelina Ballerina, Peter Rabbit, Miffy, Hello Kitty, Peppa Pig or Lettice Rabbit, then you will love these adorable little bunnies.Tilley Tumble is the first of five books in the Tumble Tails series.
  • The Battle for Sanctuary

    J. J. Thompson

    language (J.J. Thompson, Sept. 18, 2013)
    Fourteen year old Justin McLeod has learned that he is a new Titan, born five thousand years after that mythic race disappeared. Forced to flee from his home by unknown adversaries, he escapes to Sanctuary, a huge, hidden base where other teens like himself have taken refuge. There he begins to learn about his race's past, why he and the other young Titans have appeared at this moment in history, and about his powers and how to use them.But other Titans have also come into the world; older, more powerful and bent on world domination. They see Justin and the new Titans as a threat to their plans. They attack Sanctuary but, thanks in part to Justin's powers, are driven back.Soon after the failed attack, Justin learns that a family friend is being held captive by government forces. So he and his new friend, Aaron, decide to leave Sanctuary on their own to try to save him. However, they are tricked by their enemies and trapped along with six other young Titans.Following a daring escape, the eight teens find themselves stranded on the lowest level of Sanctuary, faced with a daunting task; to travel through the countless levels of this huge complex in the hope that they can reach the top level and safety. Unless, of course, Sanctuary has already fallen.