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Books with author Santa

  • Children's Books:Duke the Friendly Dog

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books:Duke the Friendly Dog, May 16, 2015)
    On a bright Sunday morning, galloping down the narrow farm footpath in joy was Duke. Duke is a dog, Duke has brown hair all over his body, with big beautiful blue eyes and a long fluffy tail he always wagged because he was always happy...
  • Children's book:Rex the Good Dinosaur

    Santa T.

    language (Children's book:"Rex the Good Dinosaur", June 10, 2015)
    Rex was a young dinosaur who lived in the forest. He was bigger than some of the other animals and he had a fat tail.The most amazing thing about Rex was that he could breathe out fire through his mouth. This made the other animals afraid of him.
  • Children's books:Logan the Lion King

    Santa T.

    language (Children's books:"Logan the Lion King", June 1, 2015)
    Once upon a time, there lived a lion named Logan. He was king of the forest just like his father before him. He was very proud because he was so big and strong.
  • Children's Books:Daisy the Kindness Bee

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books:Daisy the Kindness Bee:Kids Books, May 10, 2015)
    One day Daisy was trying to get some juice out of a bright pink flower. She heard a noise in the shrubbery. It sounded like someone was crying.She flew down to have a look. She saw a brown baby bear sitting under the shrubbery. He was crying. “What’s wrong, Baby Bear?” She asks.Baby Bear tried to stop crying. “I can’t find my Mommy,” he said.“Oh, no!” Said Daisy. “When was the last time you saw her?”“I was with her when I went running after a butterfly. I did not catch it and when I looked around, I did not see her.” “Don’t cry. I’ll help you find her.”
  • Children's Books:Mason and the Banana Peel

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books:"Mason and the Banana Peel", May 29, 2015)
    Mason, a little brown monkey, just loved eating bananas. He had bananas for breakfast, bananas for lunch and bananas for supper.On Monday morning Mason had a banana along with his breakfast. But guess what?He threw the banana peels over his shoulder onto the floor.
  • Children's book:Jacob the Hero Dinosaur

    Santa T.

    language (Children's book:"Jacob the Hero Dinosaur", June 14, 2015)
    Jacob the dinosaur lived in Fairyland where animals and man lived in peace.Not far from where they were living was the Magic Forest.No one who went into that forest ever came back. So everyone was afraid to go there.
  • Children's Books:Terry the Squirrel

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books:"Terry the Squirrel", May 24, 2015)
    Terry Squirrel had just finished a breakfast of nuts. Yum! Yum! They were delicious.“Terry, please go and brush your teeth,” his mother told him.“Yes, Mom.”Terry went into the bathroom. He looked at his two big front teeth in the mirror. They were big and strong. They were also very sharp. He could use them to bite through anything. He did not see why his mother was always telling him to brush them at least two times each day.
  • Children's Books "Prince Alexander and the Visitor from Space"

    Santa T.

    eBook (Children's Books "Prince Alexander and the Visitor from Space", July 12, 2015)
    As they came near to a big rock they saw a creature run and hide behind it. It was pink all over, with two horns, long ears, a tail and two big eyes.Prince Alexander drew the sword and went behind the rock.The creature saw him and said, “Don’t hurt me. I’m from another planet, but my space ship got into trouble and crashed here. I’m trying to fix it so I can get back home.”“Maybe we can help you,” said the prince.
  • Children's Books:The Greedy Fox

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books:"The Greedy Fox", May 27, 2015)
    Once upon a time all the animals lived happily together in the forest. They were friends and used to share everything they had with each other.One day a fox came to live among them. No one knew where he came from or why he came to their part of the forest.
  • Children's Books:Devin the Dinosaur and Friends

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books: "Devin the Dinosaur and Friends", May 21, 2015)
    Devin the dinosaur lived in Green Forest where there were plenty trees. There were of big trees and little trees, short trees and tall trees.Everyday Devin and the other animals carried water from the river to give to the trees.This made the trees grow big and strong. Then they bore nice fruits for everyone to eat. They also gave the animals shade from the hot sun. They all loved the trees.
  • Children's Books Prince Alexander and the Dragon

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books"Prince Alexander and the Dragon", June 18, 2015)
    The little Prince lay on his tummy and tried to pull up the deer. Be he was too big. The next minute, Alexander and deer were falling down to the ground.Suddenly, someone flew down and caught them before they hit the ground.Alexander saw that it was young dragon.
  • Children's Books:The Red Ants and the Little Monkey

    Santa T.

    language (Children's Books:"The Red Ants and the Little Monkey", June 22, 2015)
    A family of red ants lived in the forest. They worked together very hard each day to find food and take it home so everyone can share it.Now in the forest there was also a greedy little monkey named Jack who did not like to work.Every day he watched the ants working and he laughed at them.“Tee hee! You silly red ants. You’re always working. Don’t you have any fun?”