(, July 26, 2019)
In this present age where iniquity and world love is on the rise; especially amongst kids and teenagers, it is expedient that we consciously instill and revive the love of God in the heart of our kids if we do not want them to become people used by the devil. Abraham is one of the most prominent characters in the entire bible, such that he is known as the “Father of Faith;” and there are quite a number of practical wisdom that can be gleaned from his life.This book is therefore written to teach the practical wisdom that we find demonstrated by Abraham as he walked with God through his life.It has been written as a 20-day devotional cum bedtime story which is to be read to your kids and entire family in the morning or at dawn before going to bed. It can also be used by church Sunday school groups for kids and teenagers.I encourage you not to rush over the entire content in one day, but to follow the daily reading plan through the course of the next twenty days.I am certain you would experience God’s blessings in your family and kids as you spend quality time meditating on God’s word contained in this book.Finally, we are told that we should not be hearers of the word alone, but doers of the same, as the real blessing comes from putting into practice everything you learn.God bless and make your kids instruments of Peace in the hands of God.