Exploring Puddle Lane for the first time, Tessa, a kitten, is chased by a big red dog who accidentally knocks down Mrs. Pitter-Patter, Mr. Puffle, and Mr. Gotobed
The Magician lives in Puddle Lane and his magic dust conjures up the Griffle and the Griffle, makes mice fly and talk, makes dragons appear, in fact, causes all sorts of strange disasters and wonderful surprises. No – Puddle Lane is no ordinary street!!Stories in this volume:The Magic BoxThe Magic BalloonsMrs. Pitter-Patter and the MagicianOld Mr. GotobedPeter Puffle’s Mouse
In this story, Ben shares his dreams with the golden Griffin-of-the-Rock who promises to help him whenever he’s in trouble. But first, they must all repair Ben’s ship...