The Bed of Blood
Ros Bethan
(Independently published, June 17, 2020)
This story follows the magical adventures of Thomas Starmereion, also known as the Sapphire Knight and gradually interweaves his tale with that of a young prince, Justin Glassmirron, as the boy confronts the dangers and intrigue that inhabit the court of his mother, the powerful and vengeful, Queen Crudelitas of Nightingley. It tells the back story behind the already published, “Through the Eye of the Gelan” and, “The Sword of Chilmea” and sheds light on some of the mysteries that lie at the heart of those stories.In effect, though published last of the three tales, it forms the first part of the trilogy of stories. It can be read either as the firat or the third of the trilogy.The trilogy itself, however, forms the middle section within an overall narrative known as the Realm of the Gelans Chronicle. So, if you have read the other two parts of the trilogy - don’t expect that all the threads that need unwinding will be solved quite yet!