Never, Ever Step on a Spider
Nancy Nicholson
(PublishAmerica, Sept. 2, 2003)
This story, set in the 60s and early 70s, follows the adventures of Bill and Louise Famous and their five children. None of them is famous but they are funny and you will get to know them all, particularly oldest daughter Annie, who recognized at the tender age of five, while aboard a train, that her family was on a big, big adventure. Indeed! Not only does Annies family move eleven times to six states (due ostensibly to her fathers transfers as an air-controller) during this time, they endure a bat attack, a hurricane, a hepatitis scare, a near-drowning, encounters with a couple of ghosts, and much, much more. Keeping the family together is Annies mother, Louise, a beautiful, witty woman who realizes she married the wrong man but carries on. Along the way, she teaches her children to always laugh first and cry later, and of course, Never, Ever Step on a Spider!