Letters written during a short residence in Spain and Portugal
Robert Southey
(RareBooksClub.com, June 28, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1799 edition. Excerpt: ... Author says, Lidos em Latim serao Latinos, Lidos em Portuguez sao Portuguezes. Excellence the eighth.--The wide extent of country where the Portugueze language is spoken. Excellence the ninth.--The commendation which so many authors have bestowed upon the Portugueze language. A long proof is annexed to each of these propositions, and the whole fills three folio pages. George of Montemayor has composed a Sonnet which is at once Spanish and Portugueze. Amor con desamor se esta pagando, Dura paga pegada estranamente, Duro mal de sentir estando ausente De mihi que vivo en pena lamentando. O mal, porque te vas manifestando? Baftavate matarme oceultamente, Que en fe de tal amor, como prudente, PodÃais, esta alma atormentando. Considerar podÃa Amor de mi, Estando en tanto mal que desespero, Que en firme fudamento este fundado. Ora se espante Amor en verme assi, Ora digo que passo, ora que espero Sospiros, desamor, pena, cuidado. All this reminds me of the Esquimaux, who distinguish themselves from the rest of mankind by the title of Men. One of these Men saw a dried monkey in England, and declared in the utmost agitation that it was a little old Esquimaux! Strip a Spaniard of all his virtues, and you make a good Portugueze of him, says the Spanish proverb. One who is well acquainted with both countries, and has no prejudices in favour of either, denies its truth; he says, " add hypocrisy to a Spaniard's vices, and you have the Portugueze character." These nations blaspheme God, by calling each other natural enemies. Their feelings are mutually hostile, but the Spaniards despise the Portugueze, and the Portugueze hate the Spaniards. Almost every man in Spain smokes; the Portugueze never smoke, but most of them take snuff. None of the...