Snow in the Kitchen
Richard Brown
(Cambridge University Press, Jan. 28, 1998)
Suitable for children in Year 2 (age 6), Snow in the Kitchen is from the Cambridge Reading genre strand Narrative Recounts, a strand which motivates children to explore their personal responses and make links to their own experiences. Each story in this set of nine marks a significant event from someone's childhood. Retold by Richard Brown, this story that happened during Christmas 1926, when Cissy Binns was seven. It was snowing at last, the first real snow of winter. Cissy hadn't been well and so wasn't allowed to go out to play in the snow with her brothers and sisters. So, her mum brought a big tray of snow into the kitchen, and they created a miniature snow-world with people, sledges, reindeers and horses. Narrative recounts also provide excellent models for children's own writing.