Progressive studies in English
Francis Effinger Raymond
(, May 12, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1903 Excerpt: confidence. 6. The greatest men of a nation are those whom it puts to death. 7. He who has most of heart knows most of sorrow. 8. They are never alone who are accompanied by noble thoughts. 9. Whom did you understand it to be? 116. An INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN is a n err g iv pronoun use(j jn asking a question. The Interrogative Pronouns are who, which, what, and whether Who refers only to human beings, and is the only one inflected: Singular Pluarl Norn. who Norn. who Poss. whose Poss. whose Obj. whom Obj. whom This horse is mine, that horse is yours. This and that are demonstrative adjectives. I may say, This is mine, that is yours. So used, this and that are now demonstrative pronouns. This and these point out things that are near, and that and those things more distant. 117. Indefinite Peonouns point out objects indefinitely. All, any, each, neither, few, many, none, one, other, another, some, several, such. One and its compounds, somebody and the like, other and another, either and neither, have a possessive case: One's business; somebody's hat. 118. Every (with its compounds everyone, everybody), neither, both, no one, anyone, either one, neither one, not one, one or the other, are always singular pronouns. Examples: Eaeh of the boys is decorated with a medal. Either of the men is anxious to join the union. Neither of the women wished to do so. 119. Some as a pronoun may be either singular or plural. When representing quantity it is singular. Example: Some of the milk was spilled. When it refers to number it is plural. Example: Some of the roses were scattered on the ground. 120. NAME THE PRONOUNS IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES: 1. All of these soldiers have been in the Philippines. 2. Louis Pasteur was one of the benefactors of his age. 3. Many are the be...