Mammal Migration
Liz Oram, R. Robin Baker
(Diane Pub Co, June 1, 1992)
Migrations can be as short as a few inches or as long as thousands of miles. Elephants of Mount Kenya migrate up & down the mountain with the seasons. Herds of 100,000 caribou migrate up to 600 miles across the Arctic. This book explores migrations of varying lengths & styles that take place in the vicinity of an animal's home as well as those covering hundreds of miles. Includes cave bats, vampire bats, bears, gray squirrels, muskrats, mountain sheep, lemmings, gorillas, rabbits, beavers, chimpanzees, African elephants, caribou, tree bats, wildebeests, zebras, & bison. Nomads with their herds, Laplanders, Bedouin & Fulani are also discussed. Juvenile audiences. Color photos.