Book of Cities
Piero Ventura
(Universe, March 24, 2009)
Ever wondered what people are doing in cities all over the world at any given moment? Piero Ventura’s charmingly illustrated children’s book—appreciated by both young and old—brings bustling scenes of major cities to life in intricate detail. This facsimile edition of Ventura’s original book, first published in 1975, provides a colorful, educational, and unique tour of major world cities. Delight in each city as you look for the London policeman holding up traffic, children shoveling the heavy snow of the side streets in Moscow, clerks waiting on customers in a huge Parisian department store, or the steam rising from the Chinese food cooking on a tiny houseboat in Hong Kong. The finely drawn illustrations and humorous details in Book of Cities are a celebration of the many ways people live, work, travel, and have fun in the major cities of the world.