Bible People Factfile
Peter Martin, Matt Buckingham
(Lion Children's Books, Feb. 21, 2014)
Wanted: keen young detective! Examine the evidence, character files, locations, interviews with witnesses, sift through the clues and decide for yourself who are the heroes, who are the villains, and what REALLY happened. Each spread is crammed with information and lively graphics, and features a Bible character alongside the case notes of their story, with a gatefold featuring extra information. A different take on telling Bible stories this book will also give an insight into Bible history and provide hours of fun puzzling out the mysteries on each page. An excellent title to encourage reluctant readers and appeal to boys. Case files on: Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, Jezebel, Hezekiah, Jonah, Daniel, Esther, Herod, John the Baptist, Jesus, Simon Peter, Martha, Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene, and Paul.