The Adventures of Bobcat Family and Friends: Fastwater Takes a Swim
CR Petersen
This book is to be read by an adult and child together. The purpose of these stories is to: entertain, build relationships, develop communication, and learn. As you are reading the story to or with children or if you are reading the story for yourself, ask the following types of questions: What do you think they might be thinking? How do you think they might be feeling? What do you think they should do? What do you think this means?Throughout the story, ask: âWhat do you think will happen next?âPlease be sure and explain words the child may not understand. You may also want to ask the child what s/he thinks the prairie, forest, mountains, streams, creeks, sky, animals, or other things might look like beyond the illustrations provided. After asking the child, you might describe what you think they might look like.Quite often children will express personal thoughts or feelings and learn important principles in stories where the discussion can be a little detached from them personally. These stores were written to help open the doors of communication, insight, and personal growth.Whether animals are capable of thoughts or feelings described in the story below is not important. You may also give your thoughts after theirs: but, do not put down or disparage their thoughts and feelings if you want them to share more with you in the future.]