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Books with author Paul Weightman

  • Power Stones

    Paul Weightman

    Paperback (, Jan. 19, 2019)
    Power Gem, melds together history, geology, metaphysics, science, and fantasy in this non-stop nail biter. Holly and Harry race against the clock to identify the power-neutralizing stone that prevents Holly from healing her life-threatening injuries. She must also learn how to counter its effects before she can fight against the rogue Power Gem Bearer named the Punisher to save the boy she truly cares about and the world of her friends. In the epic battle between extreme cosmic-power holders, weaknesses are exploited and lifetime relationships shattered to gain the upper-hand. Sometimes having no special abilities is what makes someone the most powerful.
  • Walter Cronkite: The most trusted man in America

    Paul Westman

    Unknown Binding (Dillon Press, March 15, 1980)
  • Louie Daniel Cook, and the Halloween's

    Paul Weightman

    Paperback (Lulu, )
  • Summer Duke

    Paul Weightman

    Hardcover (, July 11, 2019)
    Mighty dragons, magical elves, mystical witches, and a strong heroine determined to save their world. If you love dragons, elves, and all the hallmarks of fantasy adventure, you'll love this saga. A year has passed since the Tanaan dragon F?anor and his human ward, Summer, came to live within the protected boundaries of Ethring, the great City of Light. But even the safest places in Eglarest can harbour enemies, and one cannot hide from one's fate forever.
  • Summer Duke

    Paul Weightman

    Hardcover (, July 2, 2019)
    A beautiful princess confidently anticipates adventure and rescue when a wizard throws fire at her. With no princes in sight, the princess, her cousin, and a not-so-wicked mother set off to save themselves.
  • Evie’s ambition to fly

    Paul Weightman

    (, Jan. 20, 2012)
    Its one minute to eight on Saturday morning and today is going to be the biggest day of Evie’s life so far… She doesn’t know it yet, but it is. At this precise moment in time she doesn’t even know that it’s Saturday as she’s fast asleep. But then she is a teenager and teenagers do seem to need their sleep. The Evie in question is better known as Evie Wilkinson. That’s what both her parents and friends call her, not that she has an awful lot of friends; she’s a fairly typical sixteen-year-old girl. Head full of upcoming exams, the latest pop groups, clothes and boys! If you asked her she wouldn’t admit to being interested in boys, but of course she is… The only major factor that makes Evie standout from her friends is that she’s learning to fly in her spare time. More about that later, to set the scene, Evie spent her whole life living on a small dairy farm in North Yorkshire… Not that her parents are dairy farmers. They just happen to live in an old barn conversion at the end of three-quarters of a mile of what must be the roughest, filthiest and most cowpat splattered bit of track in the world. During the summer months a huge cloud of dust follows cars up and down the hill to the farm. Throughout the winter the track often turns into a river of rainwater and mud. Not the ideal location for inviting Evie’s friends over to visit. For years the parents of her friends have been coming up with increasingly more creative reasons why they can’t drop off their daughters. The real reason of course is that they don’t want their cars covered in cow muck, and the tyres shredded on the rock-strewn track… Evie’s mother works as a teacher at their local primary school. She teaches years three and four… One of the happiest days of Evie’s life had been when she moved to the local High School and away from her mother’s watchful eyes. Her father is considered to be a bit of a “drop out” by the locals. In reality he works from home via the internet. He writes articles for flying magazines and helps to run an Internet based flying chat room. Neither of these activities really pays the bills, but they do help to keep him out of mischief. At eight o’clock on the dot Evie’s radio alarm clock blared into life… As always it was tuned to what the locals lovingly referred to as “Pasty FM.” Some one hit wonder from ten years ago was blasting out of the speakers. Evie crawled out from under her duvet and then padded out of her room and across the hallway to the bathroom. After fifteen minutes spent showering and then more importantly preening in front of the mirror she emerged and returned to her room. There then followed several minutes of frantic hair brushing. Having beautiful long hair meant that it took her quite awhile to brush out all of the knots and tangles. She then put on her favourite T-shirt, jeans and new Peruvian sweater before heading downstairs. The stairs descended directly into the large, farmhouse style kitchen, in the centre of the room stood a large antique table that was surrounded by matching chairs; Seated at the table was her mother. “Morning mum,” said Evie. “Where’s Dad?” “Yes, I’m fine thank you,” her mother replied sarcastically. “You had better get a move on with your breakfast. I think that your father has plans for you today.” Since as far back as she could remember Evie had spent a lot of time around aeroplanes with her father. Prior to his semi retirement he had worked throughout the world as a flying instructor. It was at the age of six that he had first let her have a go at the controls of an aeroplane. She had needed to use a car booster seat to see out of the windows, and over the top of the engine. Once airborne they had climbed to two thousand feet. Evie’s father had then handed over control to her and let her play with the control column, pulling back to pitch up; Pushing forward to pitch down. Moving the yoke left to go left and right to go right. It had only been a short flight around
  • The Scallie's

    Paul Weightman

    eBook (lulu, Jan. 20, 2012)
    (Introduction)This is a story about two Scallie’s. What is a Scallie you may ask? Well, a Scallie is a small human like creature, sort of a cross between a pixie and small child... as to how they came to live amongst us, no one really knows! They dress themselves in clothing just like you; or me. The eat pretty much anything... Their favourite dish is fish paste sandwiches; and lemon cake, eagerly washed down with lemonade... Scallie’s normally like to set up home in a hole in the side of a hill, or a river-bank; this is mainly because they are not fond of digging, in fact, they do not like doing any hard work at all! They spend most of their days going on trips to visit their friends; and every time they do visit anyone, they always manage to arrive at meal times! Scallie’s do not have many human friends, the one person they love to visit is a lovely little old woman called Bettie... she lives in a small thatched cottage a few miles on the other side of Dyke Wood, which is about 30 miles from where they actually live themselves. They are very shy creatures. Most of their friends are the creatures that live in and amongst the hedgerows; and woods...In-fact; many of those creatures you find along the riverbank are very fond of Scallie’s, and can often be found playing with them. You see, Scallie’s have a very special gift; they are able to talk to animals! They also have a particular fondness for Otters, although they get on well with almost every creature they meet. Scallie’s have a tendency to avoid Weasels and ferrets. The ferret and the weasel regard Scallie’s as a total pest and a nuisance!
  • Chase and his dinosaur friend called Cute

    Paul Weightman

    Paperback (, April 5, 2019)
    Illustrated book about Chase, who is a curious little boy, who gets the surprise of his life when he discovers that he has dinosaurs living in his back garden. He befriends these dinosaurs and although both he and his Grandma know that there are creatures that lived over 150,000.000 years old, making their home in Chase's garden, his mother and his Grandpa don't believe him.
  • Summer Duke and The Old Man of Epping Forest

    Paul Weightman

    Hardcover (, July 3, 2019)
    Seven-Year-Old Summer Duke had heard all the stories about the ancient tree that was situated deep in the heart of Epping Forest. It was commonly known as: - ?The Old Man of Epping Forest?? Was the legend and the stories true? Summer Duke found out, as she embarked on a magical adventure; that would bring her into contact with, Witches, Nymphs, Gollum?s and other mythical creatures. The ancient tree is the gateway to another realm.
  • The Dream-Catcher's Curse

    Paul Weightman

    Paperback (, April 19, 2019)
    Summer Duke is a 7-year old girl that goes with her Grandfather to Ireland. What she does not know, is she plunged into a world of mystery
  • The Family Ogre

    Paul Weightman

    Paperback (Independently published, July 13, 2018)
    This is a children's fictional fantasy adventure. Set in the county of North Yorkshire, England, and renowned for its panoramic views of natural beauty and surrounding landscapes, Brimham Rocks has always been a draw for local visitors, and from around the world. Located north-west of the historical town of Harrogate. this ancient landmark holds many myths and secrets. It was on a warm sunny day in August, whilst on a day out from their home in sleepy hamlet of Low Laithe, Gareth and Danny Metcalf, were exploring the boulder formations in and around Brimham Rocks, they stumble upon an Ogre. Unbeknown to the two boys, this somewhat unsightly, but very pleasant creature; who had been blessed with certain powers by his queen, to enable it to infiltrate and learn whether the human inhabitants would be once again ready to coexist with the various magical folk and creatures of the Mystical-World. This little Ogre becomes an arrogate member to the Metcalf family, and would soon discover what it means and is expected to interact with human beings. During their time spent with the Ogre, Gareth realizes that someone from a completely different way of life and cultural background, can become almost like a brother. However, when the time came for Breerok to return to his Ogre family, thereby securing the return of Gareth’s brother, they face a serious threat from the Dark-Dwarves of the high peaks of the Upper-Dales. With the help of family and friends from the small town of Pateley-Bridge, the two brothers make their way back to the Ogre city and reunite both families.
  • Summer Duke

    Paul Weightman

    Hardcover (, June 16, 2019)
    ?A magical language. An enchanted flame. A word to save everything. Seven-year-old Summer Duke has always hated dragons, and the magic they bring ever since the ash dragon Dark-Crimzon murdered her sister. Every year, Summer endures the ?Dragon?s Decade Festival? celebrating the dragon's delivery of an enchanted flame. The enchanted flame kills, but also provides magic that keeps the Northern Invaders at bay. Until this year. The dragon that Summer hates the most; never comes, leaving her kingdom vulnerable to attack. Separated from her mother, Summer joins forces with two very different princes on a death-defying journey of magic and adventure to save all that she holds dear.?