Jesus and Brownie
Patricia Solari, Robert Solari
(CUX LLC, Nov. 8, 2016)
On the day Jesus feeds the multitude with loaves and fishes, He notices a hungry dog on the fringe of the crowd and offers him bits of barley and a little fish to eat. Naturally, the dog follows Him. Besides he loves Jesusâ gentle voice. Jesus names him Brownie, and he becomes his constant companion for the next three years of Jesusâ public life, attending the miracles, visiting Mary and Joseph, playing Tug-a war with the young disciple John.Brownie doesnât always enjoy himself, however Jesus often takes Brownie on a boat, but one day a hair-raising storm comes up, and Brownie becomes sea-sick. Another time, after a long trek in the hot desert, Brownie dashes ahead to the shore of the Black Sea, unwisely ignoring Jesusâ warning. And on that momentous Sunday after they enter Jerusalem, Brownie suffers pangs of jealousy, wishing he were big and strong so he could carry Jesus, not the smelly old donkey! Sensing Brownies feelings, Jesus calls to him, âBrownie come closer. I donât want to lose you in the crowd!âBrownie remains Jesusâ faithful friend to the very end, licking the blood from Jesusâ toes as He suffers and dies on the cross. And it is Brownie alone who keeps the long three-day vigil outside Jesusâ tomb. But like the good thief, Brownie learns this is not the end of his friendship with Jesus.The Illustrations, all oil paintings, depict the special moments in the life of Jesus and Hs friend Brownie.