Cozy Cat Shorts: Twenty-five Short Stories from the Authors at Cozy Cat Press
Patricia Rockwell
(Cozy Cat Press, Nov. 9, 2017)
Twenty-five short stories from the authors at Cozy Cat Press. Included are Amy Beth Arkawy, Allen B. Boyer, Sally Carpenter, C. F. Carter, Linda Crowder, Glen Ebisch, Bart J. Gilbertson, Helen Grochmal, Lorrie Holmgren, Bret Jones, Mary Koppel, Elizabeth Lanham, Owen Magruder, Jane O'Brien, Joyce Oroz, David Pauwels, Emma Pivato, Joe and Pam Reese, Megan Rivers, Patricia Rockwell, Rita Gard Seedorf, Rae Sanders, Annie Irvin, Lane Stone, Margaret Verhoef, and Carmen Will.