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Books with author Patricia Cuff

  • Ally's World: a puppy mill mystery

    M. Patricia

    (, June 30, 2020)
    A STORY FOR EVERY GIRL AND BOY WHO LOVE THEIR DOG.Like any twelve year old Allison (Ally) is so looking forward to summer vacation. No more getting up early and rushing off to school, and forgetting her lunch and home work on the kitchen table, and having a dozen other things to do after school. Yippee! No more piano lessons, (she doesn't even like piano that much anymore), no more swimming and gymnastics lessons (she can hardly keep up with homework assignments as it is). And not even Lori-the-horrible, her moody sixteen year old sister, is going to put a damp on summer vacay. She's just going to relax and enjoy the long, lazy days with her friends, especially Hartley, her BFF, who she doesn't get to see that much anymore because they are going to different high schools now. But her summer is just about to get very interesting when she sees a bunch of strange men lurking around the Watson's old house. Where is Mrs. Watson, and who are those men? She enlists Hartley to help her find out who they are, and they are in for a shock when they uncover what's really going on at the Watson's house. And are they too late to save Mrs. Watson?