Homesteading Animals 4-Book Bundle: Rearing Rabbits, Chickens, Ducks and Geese. A comprehensive introduction to raising popular farmyard animals
Norman J Stone
(Deanburn Publications, July 13, 2014)
REARING RABBITS, CHICKENS, DUCKS & GEESEA ComprehensiveIntroduction to rearing 4 of the most popular animals to be found around the Homestead or farmyard, with this bundle of 4 books in one.Offered here at a Huge Discount on the individual book price.BOOK 1 - REARING RABBITS 1. Choosing Your Rabbits: With so many rabbits to choose from how do you know what is best foryou and your particular plans? Here you will find a selection of themost popular rabbit breeds., whether choosing your rabbits for the bestmeat production, pelts or indeed as pets!2 - Caring For Rabbits: If you want to get the best out of any livestock, then you must knowhow to care for them properly. Invaluable information on how to feed and care for your rabbits for best results.3 - Costs & Considerations: How much does it cost to set up at rabbitry, and what could be theprofitability of such an exercise?Case study to look at the possible costs and profitability of breedingrabbits, looked at from a commercial and domestic viewpoint.4 - Killing & Butchering: If you are raising your animals for meat, then information on how todispatch your rabbit cleanly and efficiently is absolutely essential.Here are details on just how to achieve this with minimal stress to theanimal, as well as how to dress or prepare the carcase.5 - Glossary of Terms: A selection of over 60 popular termsused amongst rabbit breeders. Do you know what Binky means? Or perhapswhat to do if your rabbit is Kindling? Check out these and otherimportant terms here.6 - Rabbit & Game Recipes! A selection of tasty rabbit and game recipes courtesy of F. A Paris from her excellent slow Cooking book "Slow Cooking Heaven.'BOOK 2 - DELIGHTFUL DUCKS:1 - Duck Care: How to care for your ducks to ensure healthy birds, including shelter, feeding and caring for goslings.2 - Duck Breeds: A selection of the most popular breeds to keep whether for meat or for eggs. Including popular bantam duck breeds.3 - Duck Preparation: How to prepare you duck for the table or for sale.4 - Duck Recipes! Last but not least, A selection of tasty duck recipes courtesy of F. A. Paris from the 'Slow Cooking Heaven' recipe book. BOOK 3 - GOURMET GEESEThe most popular breeds: Seven of the most popular breeds to raise, including information on the best for meat, Eggs, down - and even which breeds make the best 'guarddogs.'1 - Caring For Your Geese: How to make sure youranimals prosper from gosling stage to full adult, with instructions onproper shelter, feeding routines and health issues.2 - Keeping Your Animals Healthy: How to be sure that you stay ahead of any potential health problems, and what to do if your animal becomes sick for any reason.3 - Preparing For The Table: If you are rearing geese for the table then this is an essential piece of information to have. Includesinstructions on the best methods for plucking, cleaning and cooking your goose.BOOK 4 - CHUNKY CHICKENS:Over 70 pages crammed with information on homesteadingessentials such as the following, will ensure of a good grounding inself-sufficiency and rearing animals on your homestead or even backyard.1. A glossary of 30 terms relating to the keeping of poultry, that will ensure you of a basic understanding as to what it is all about.2. Keeping chickens for eggs or meat? This is a list of ten of the most popular chicken breeds. 3. Should you have a static chicken coop, or a chicken tractor -and what is the difference anyway? This is a simple look at what yourchicken shed requirements may be, and how to choose the best hut foryour hens.4. Dressing Your Chicken. No this is not to do with thelatest clothes they must wear! For those interested in keeping poultryfor meat, this is all about how to dispatch your chicken humanely andhow to prepare the bird for the table.