Sanctuary Light: A Story of God's Redeeming Love for Children of All Ages
Nicole Parker
(, Dec. 5, 2017)
Experience the Sanctuary in the wilderness camp through the eyes of Asher and Zara, Israelite children. Their family has just escaped from Egypt, and they are discovering how different the loving God of Israel is from the gods the Egyptians worshiped. As they contemplate the Sanctuary services, they grow to love the God of their fathers.Discover how the Sanctuary was designed to free God's people from fear, perfectionism, guilt and shame, filling our hearts instead with perpetual peace.Did people have to sacrifice a lamb every time they said an angry word? Why would a loving God require sacrificing so many innocent animals? How did the Day of Atonement give Israelites joyful, confident assurance of salvation, even as it acknowledged that they were not yet perfect? This book answers these and many other questions, revealing the glory and relevance of the beautiful Sanctuary message for sinners today.Be astounded at the beauty and depth of God's love unveiled in the emotional, sensory experience the Sanctuary was designed to be. Discover the constant assurance of salvation God wanted His children to enjoy every day, through the simple illustrations of its services.Written as a story so simple a young child can understand, but exploring the unfathomable depth of themes of guilt, grace, forgiveness, faith, atonement and love, this book will delight the whole family. It includes optional discussion questions at the end of each chapter, making it ideal for family worships, homeschooling, Bible classes, and much more.Glimpse "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world" as you have never known Him before. You vision of God's love unveiled in the Sanctuary will be transformed forever.