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Books with author Nick Harrison

  • Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Science Fiction, Fantasy

    Harry Harrison

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 28, 2017)
    While on a gambling trip to the casino on the planet Cassylia, he is challenged by a man named Kerk Pyrrus (who turns out to be the ambassador from the planet Pyrrus) to turn a large amount of money into an immense sum by gambling at a government-run casino. Some planet in the galaxy must -- by definition -- be the toughest, meanest, nastiest of all. If Pyrrus wasn't it . . . it was an awfully good approximation! I started this story in an old issue of Astounding Stories that was kicking around - and was very happy to find the rest of it on Kindle. A quick read, really a novella. A solid page turner with lots of action, fun plot twists, and a satisfactory ending. If you like old Heinlein's I think you will like this.
  • The Men from P.I.G. and R.O.B.O.T.

    Harry Harrison

    Hardcover (Atheneum, Feb. 1, 1978)
    Humorous accounts of specially trained and bred pigs and of the Robot Obtrusion Batallion give eleven thousand new space policemen insight into possible assignments.
  • Deathworld 2

    Harry Harrison

    Paperback (Positronic Publishing, Oct. 1, 2015)
    Jason dinAlt has been kidnaped and is being returned to the planet Cassylia to stand trial for his crimes. But on route the space ship he is on crash lands on a planet inhabited by men who have lost much of their technology. It is up to Jason to find a way to stay alive and get off planet. Can he succeed in leaving this new Deathworld?
  • Montezuma's Revenge

    Harry Harrison

    eBook (Gateway, July 25, 2013)
    A priceless da Vinci painting, supposedly destroyed during World War II, miraculously appeared in Mexico. The Agency sent art expert Tony Hawkin to find out what the hell was going on down there.But what started as a holiday jaunt, soon became a deadly mad escapade that was as hilarious as it was deadly. In a nightmare comedy of errors, professional agents from Israel, Italy, and Germany, closed in on poor, bumbling was a death trap for the timid art investigator and only an illogical amateur could home to survive the murderously inept MEXICAN CONNECTION.
  • The Secret Keeper

    L Harrison

    Jess has been in a car accident and her parents are in hospital in Dublin. She has been sent to her Aunts house in Tipperary where she uncovers a family secret that could save her family and the world.
  • Spaceship Medic

    Harry Harrison

    Paperback (Puffin, March 15, 1976)
  • The Velvet Glove

    Harry Harrison

    eBook (Positronic Publishing, Oct. 16, 2015)
    Society has grown dependent on super-intelligent robots, but are they being given the respect they deserve?
  • Don't Eat the Teacher

    Nick Ward, Kate Harrison

    Paperback (Scholastic Hippo, July 21, 2000)
  • Spotlight On The American Revolution

    Nick Harris

    Hardcover (Hodder Wayland, )
  • The Men from P.I.G. and R.O.B.O.T

    Harry Harrison

    Paperback (Puffin, March 15, 1978)
  • Intimations of Mortality: W.O. Mitchell's Who Has Seen the Wind

    Dick Harrison

    Paperback (ECW Press, Jan. 1, 1992)
    An exploration of W.O. Mitchell’s Who Has Seen the Wind.
  • Hiroshima Witness to History

    Nick Harris

    Paperback (Heinemann Library, )