Can I Tell You about My Family?
Anh-Vu Nguyen
(America Star Books, Nov. 7, 2011)
This book explores a preschool girl's perception and interest about her family. Her family includes members who represent different stages of human life. These stages include: the fetal stage, the newborn stage, the toddler stage, the child stage, the adolescent stage, the adult stage, and the grandparent stage. In the fetal stage, the child feels the baby's first movements. In the newborn stage, the child recognizes the physical development of the baby. In the toddler stage, the child describes her desire to enter school and sport activities. In the school-age stage, the child acknowledges that her older sibling is exposed to advanced learning and social interaction. In the adolescent stage, the child watches her older sister prepare for college. In addition, the child also makes numerous observations of her parent's responsibilities, activities, and hobbies. She understands the vital and integral roles that mom and dad have within the family structure.