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Books with author Neal Morris

  • Lucky Luke: The Complete Collection


    Hardcover (Cinebook, Ltd, Oct. 1, 2019)
    After 70 years of life and almost 70 translated volumes, it was high time English-speaking readers were offered a hardback collected edition. This first volume contains the first seven adventures of Lucky Luke, previously published as volumes Arizona, Rodeoand Dick Digger’s Gold Mine, and offers an unrivaled insight into the evolution of the character in terms of design as well as personality. The extras available make up a whooping 48 pages of illustrations, photographs, biographies, essays and anecdotes on Morris and the origins of Luke. A must read for any true fan of this legend of the West!
  • Lucky Luke - Volume 33 - The One-Armed Bandit


    eBook (Cinebook, March 25, 2013)
    Brothers Adolph and Arthur Caille are mechanical geniuses. They’ve just created one of the first slot machines and have presented it to their local senator, a notorious gambler. Much taken with the device, he agrees to send them on a tour of American cities to test the machine’s popularity. And, to escort them on this dangerous journey, he calls on his old friend Lucky Luke… So begins the wacky tale of how the one-armed bandit conquered the West!
  • The Daltons' Stash


    Paperback (Cinebook, Ltd, Aug. 7, 2016)
    Why are the Daltons trying to get inside a penitentiary? Transferred to a new penitentiary, the Daltons are put in a cell with Fennimore Buttercup, a counterfeiter who soon begins to regret having such noisy cellmates. To get rid of the annoying brothers, he sends them on the trail of his – made-up – stash: $100,000 buried at the foot of a boulder in Red Rock Junction. One prison escape later, pursued by Lucky Luke, they discover to their horror that the spot they seek ... is inside another penitentiary!The 58th adventure of Lucky Luke, and the Old West at its funniest!
  • The Judge


    Paperback (Cinebook, Ltd, Oct. 16, 2010)
    On a cattle drive to New Mexico, Lucky Luke travels through Langtry, home of self-appointed judge Roy Bean. A crook and a cheat who invents laws, Bean arrests Luke and confiscates his herd. But he doesn't count on the arrival of another crook intent on poaching the old man's game. It will be up to our favorite cowboy to sort it out and bring real law west of the Pecos River at last.
  • The Bluefeet are Coming!


    Paperback (Cinebook, Ltd, Feb. 7, 2014)
    Luke gets embroiled in a good old-fashioned Indian siege.Passing through the quiet little town of Rattlesnake, Luke exposes a Mexican gambler as a cheat and runs him out of town. Unfortunately, the hustler ends up in the hands of the Bluefeet Indians and manages to convince them to attack Rattlesnake. A siege begins, during which Luke will have to use all his guile and courage to keep the Bluefeet at bay until the Cavalry arrives.
  • Doc Doxey's Elixir


    Paperback (Cinebook, Ltd, March 16, 2013)
    In the Old West, fake doctors may have to answer to the Lonesome Cowboy.In this early adventure of the famous cowboy, Lucky Luke is dealing with one of the plagues of the Old West: quacks. “Doctor” Doxey is a con man, a charlatan who brews up useless elixirs and sells them as miracle cures for every ailment known to man. But he doesn’t stop at that and occasionally causes illnesses himself, the better to cure them—a behaviour that does not sit well with Luke...
  • Lucky Luke - Volume 48 - Dick Digger's gold mine


    eBook (Cinebook, Jan. 2, 2015)
    Dick Digger, an old pal of Lucky Luke’s, has struck gold in the hills. Spending the night in a hotel on his way home to stake his claim, a careless display of his new-found wealth attracts the attention of two bandits who knock him out and rob him – unwittingly taking the map to his mine with them as well! With Digger injured, it’s up to Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper to chase the thieves and recover the map.
  • Under a Western Sky


    Paperback (Cinebook, Ltd, Feb. 7, 2016)
    Bandits, cattle drives, fist fights... Adventure is everywhere under a Western sky. Lucky Luke arrives in Nugget Gulch in the company of another lonesome rider, John 'The Philanthropist' Smith. The town is buzzing with excitement over the coming horserace, and the considerable prize promised to the winner. Financially embarrassed, Luke signs up, counting on his exceptional mount to ensure victory. Unfortunately, Jolly Jumper is stolen just before the race! The lonesome cowboy will have to get by without his old friend back this time.
  • Lucky Luke - Volume 1 - The Complete Collection


    language (Cinebook, Sept. 20, 2019)
    At last Lucky Luke is getting a hardback collected edition, with the first adventures of the Lonesome Cowboy. After 70 years of life and almost 70 translated volumes, it was high time English-speaking readers were offered a hardback collected edition. This first volume contains the first seven adventures of Lucky Luke, previously published as volumes Arizona, Rodeo and Dick Digger’s Gold Mine, and offers an unrivalled insight into the evolution of the character in terms of design as well as personality. The extras available make up a whooping 48 pages of illustrations, photographs, biographies, essays and anecdotes on Morris and the origins of Luke. A must read for any true fan of this legend of the West!
  • Fun Finding Out About Your Incredible Body

    Neal Morris

    Paperback (Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, )
  • Everyday Life in Ancient Greece

    Neil Morris

    Hardcover (McRae Books, Jan. 1, 2008)
    A brief, illustrated, overview of the geography, history, customs, beliefs, monuments, day-to-day life, and social structure of ancient Greece, a civilization that flourished for almost 2,000 years.
  • Fun Finding Out About Deep Deep Space

    Neal Morris

    Paperback (Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd, )