more Flit Flutter Fly
Nancy Buscher
(TJ Press, Sept. 22, 2019)
...more Flit Flutter Fly is volume 2, a continuation of short stories for readers ages 7-10 by Nancy Tancey Buscher. Joey's 'Wind Skater' is suddenly in competition with a bigger, more expensive kite. What fishing is like from under the surface in 'Fishing Fly'. Spend some time with Bridget, a 'Cockatiel' who cannot fly. 'Ladybug Landing' - a garden worker's 1st day on the job. Frightened at first, she soon finds friends and co-workers and gains confidence. Two girls witness a plane crash in 'Sky King'. Four angels have different jobs in 'Cherubim'. A 1950s memory of friendship is shared in 'Autumn Leaves'. ...more Flit Flutter Fly is a little fantasy, a little realism, a lot of fun to read.