Little Thief
Nancy Tart
Welcome to the Realm of Earth: Brantley Station Saga : This saga follows the exciting adventures surrounding an underwater mining colony called Brantley Station. During a raid on the station’s third year, a six-year-old pirate child is captured. Ethan wants to be an explorer, but his mysterious past and improper habits set high hurdles for him to overcome. Ethan is a sponge and knows how to stay hidden; but how long can his patience keep him content to serve while he watches others reach their dreams? He believes that he can make himself into something he wants, but all he really wants is a home.Little Thief : Book 2 : Ethan has always been able to adapt to his surroundings. Here, Ethan has discovered he has little value and slowly discovers his life is easier if he is invisible. Four incoming Grenadan Guards hear that he was a thief and make him steal forbidden goods for them. As the station continues to rebuild some systems after the raid, the mystery of disappearing goods is discovered. Will anyone believe a pirate thief or will the council “revisit” this issue and expel Ethan?