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Books with author Mr Joseph Conrad

  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, June 26, 2015)
    Heart of Darkness (1899) is a novella by Anglo-Polish novelist Joseph Conrad, about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State, in the heart of Africa, by the story's narrator Marlow. Marlow tells his story to friends aboard a boat anchored on the River Thames, London, England. This setting provides the frame for Marlow's story of his obsession with the ivory trader Kurtz, which enables Conrad to create a parallel between London and Africa as places of darkness.Central to Conrad's work is the idea that there is little difference between so-called civilized people and those described as savages; Heart of Darkness raises important questions about imperialism and racism.Originally published as a three-part serial story in Blackwood's Magazine, the novella Heart of Darkness has been variously published and translated into many languages. In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Heart of Darkness as the sixty-seventh of the hundred best novels in English of the twentieth century.
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    "The Heart of Darkness" is the story of Charlie Marlow's voyage from the civilized world of Europe into the primitive interior of the Congo of Africa. As a manager of a Belgian ivory company, Marlow travels into the interior of Africa up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an agent of the ivory company. Deep in the interior of Africa Marlow finds Kurtz living among the savage natives who revere him as a God. In "The Heart of Darkness," The Polish born Conrad has crafted a classic of English literature. It is an intense psychological drama that deals with the very nature of good and evil. With this narrative Conrad draws sharp contrast between the "civilized" and "uncivilized" world and presents the reader with a strong commentary of the evil savagery that lies at the heart of human existence.
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    "The Heart of Darkness" is the story of Charlie Marlow's voyage from the civilized world of Europe into the primitive interior of the Congo of Africa. As a manager of a Belgian ivory company, Marlow travels into the interior of Africa up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an agent of the ivory company. Deep in the interior of Africa Marlow finds Kurtz living among the savage natives who revere him as a God. In "The Heart of Darkness," The Polish born Conrad has crafted a classic of English literature. It is an intense psychological drama that deals with the very nature of good and evil. With this narrative Conrad draws sharp contrast between the "civilized" and "uncivilized" world and presents the reader with a strong commentary of the evil savagery that lies at the heart of human existence.
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    "The Heart of Darkness" is the story of Charlie Marlow's voyage from the civilized world of Europe into the primitive interior of the Congo of Africa. As a manager of a Belgian ivory company, Marlow travels into the interior of Africa up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an agent of the ivory company. Deep in the interior of Africa Marlow finds Kurtz living among the savage natives who revere him as a God. In "The Heart of Darkness," The Polish born Conrad has crafted a classic of English literature. It is an intense psychological drama that deals with the very nature of good and evil. With this narrative Conrad draws sharp contrast between the "civilized" and "uncivilized" world and presents the reader with a strong commentary of the evil savagery that lies at the heart of human existence.
  • The Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Polish-born writer Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski). Before its 1902 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It is widely regarded as a significant work of English literature and part of the Western canon.This highly symbolic story is actually a story within a story, or frame narrative. It follows Marlow as he recounts, from dusk through to late night, his adventure into the Congo to a group of men aboard a ship anchored in the Thames Estuary.The story details an incident when Marlow, an Englishman, took a foreign assignment as a ferry-boat captain, employed by a Belgian trading company. Although the river is never specifically named, readers may assume it is the Congo River, in the Congo Free State, a private colony of King Leopold II. Marlow is employed to transport ivory downriver; however, his more pressing assignment is to return Kurtz, another ivory trader, to civilization in a cover up. Kurtz has a reputation throughout the region.
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    "The Heart of Darkness" is the story of Charlie Marlow's voyage from the civilized world of Europe into the primitive interior of the Congo of Africa. As a manager of a Belgian ivory company, Marlow travels into the interior of Africa up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an agent of the ivory company. Deep in the interior of Africa Marlow finds Kurtz living among the savage natives who revere him as a God. In "The Heart of Darkness," The Polish born Conrad has crafted a classic of English literature. It is an intense psychological drama that deals with the very nature of good and evil. With this narrative Conrad draws sharp contrast between the "civilized" and "uncivilized" world and presents the reader with a strong commentary of the evil savagery that lies at the heart of human existence.
  • The Secret Sharer

    Joseph Conrad

    (Independently published, Jan. 24, 2020)
    A new, beautifully laid-out edition of Joseph Conrad's 1910 novella.
  • Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer

    Joseph Conrad

    Paperback (Bantam Classics, May 1, 1982)
    Heart Of Darkness. The story of the civilized, enlightened Mr. Kurtz who embarks on a harrowing "night journey" into the savage heart of Africa, only to find his dark and evil soul. The Secret Sharer. The saga of a young, inexperienced skipper forced to decide the fate of a fugitive sailor who killed a man in self-defense. As he faces his first moral test the skipper discovers a terrifying truth -- and comes face to face with the secret itself. Heart Of Darkness and The Secret Sharer draw on actual events and people that Conrad met or heard about during his many far-flung travels. In portraying men whose incredible journeys on land and at sea are also symbolic voyages into their own mysterious depths, these two masterful works give credence to Conrad's acclaim as a major psychological writer.
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (MVP, Dec. 12, 2018)
    Heart of Darkness is a novella written by Polish-born writer Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski). Before its 1902 publication, it appeared as a three-part series (1899) in Blackwood's Magazine. It is widely regarded as a significant work of English literature and part of the Western canon.This highly symbolic story is actually a story within a story, or frame narrative. It follows Marlow as he recounts, from dusk through to late night, his adventure into the Congo to a group of men aboard a ship anchored in the Thames Estuary.The story details an incident when Marlow, an Englishman, took a foreign assignment as a ferry-boat captain, employed by a Belgian trading company. Although the river is never specifically named, readers may assume it is the Congo River, in the Congo Free State, a private colony of King Leopold II. Marlow is employed to transport ivory downriver; however, his more pressing assignment is to return Kurtz, another ivory trader, to civilization in a cover up. Kurtz has a reputation throughout the region.
  • Suspense

    Conrad Joseph

    Left incomplete by Conrad, who gave instructions that no one was to complete it; but what he left was in itself a sizeable piece of work. The story is set in Italy at the very end of the Napoleonic wars, and features the young Englishman Cosmo Latham, who at the novel's opening is just arriving in Genoa, not so very far from the former emperor's place of exile, Elba.
  • Heart of Darkness: Titan Illustrated Classics

    Joseph Conrad, Titan

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    Heart of Darkness is a novella by Anglo-Polish writer Joseph Conrad about a voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State, in the heart of Africa.Central to the work is the idea that there is little difference between so-called civilized people and those described as savages.
  • Heart of Darkness

    Joseph Conrad

    eBook (, March 30, 2004)
    "The Heart of Darkness" is the story of Charlie Marlow's voyage from the civilized world of Europe into the primitive interior of the Congo of Africa. As a manager of a Belgian ivory company, Marlow travels into the interior of Africa up the Congo River to meet Kurtz, an agent of the ivory company. Deep in the interior of Africa Marlow finds Kurtz living among the savage natives who revere him as a God. In "The Heart of Darkness," The Polish born Conrad has crafted a classic of English literature. It is an intense psychological drama that deals with the very nature of good and evil. With this narrative Conrad draws sharp contrast between the "civilized" and "uncivilized" world and presents the reader with a strong commentary of the evil savagery that lies at the heart of human existence.