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Books with author Miguel Trinidad

  • Godspeed

    Michael Trinidad

    language (CWT Studios, May 28, 2015)
    Chosen at random to fight in a staged war, the only way for her to survive is to kill.America in the late 21st century is pale shadow of its former glory. Decades of war and the growing divide between the poor and the wealthy leaves all but the super-rich in the grips of the greatest depression since the 1930’s.This is the world that sixteen-year-old Sharon Hall lives in. With her city on the verge of economic collapse, her dream of graduating and getting the diploma she needs to get a real job and save her family grows more distant with each passing day.However, a team of television developers has other plans for her city. In exchange for around 140 high school students selected at random, her city will receive the millions of dollars it desperately needs to jump-start its economy. Before Sharon knows what the developers are really filming, she’s drafted into the production, known simply as “The Battle.”But, “The Battle” is anything but simple. While touted as an ordinary wilderness survival show, the game is, in fact, a staged war that splits Sharon’s circle of friends in half and equips everyone involved with rifles, machine guns and other deadly weapons of modern warfare.If Sharon ever wants to see her family again, she's going to have to shoulder her weapon and step into battle. But when the cost of her survival is the lives of her friends on the other team, it may be a more expensive price than she’s willing to pay.
  • Paradise Lost

    Michael Trinidad

    language (CWT Studios, Jan. 19, 2016)
    Sixteen-year-old Sharon Hall is now a star, having survived the brutal reality show called “The Battle.” And with that title comes all the benefits--and dangers--of a world run by greed and ruled by money.Though her city received the money it needed to begin rebuilding its fractured economy, the latest season of “The Battle” has left Sharon’s life in ruins. With the friends she loved now buried under her feet, Sharon tries to mend her shattered life, talking solace in her newfound fortune.The Developers, however, have other ideas for her. Sharon’s actions have lead to the highest grossing season of the “The Battle” since its inception. And the easiest way to repeat that performance? Make her return to the trenches and kill again.Thus begins another battle. One for her own life, as the inevitability of her return is made clear. But she’s been through hell before. And she’ll be damned if she doesn’t make it through again.
  • Timeless

    Michael Trinidad

    language (CWT Studios, March 2, 2017)
    Coming back from her second season, Sharon struggles to adapt to the life of being both a killer and a star. However, fitting in is going to be the least of her worries after the Developers experience their first major drop in ratings since Sharon started fighting and scramble to appease their investors.In their lust for money, the Developers neglected to consider the human side of watching The Battle, and the emotional connection Sharon has forged with millions of viewers, many of whom refuse to watch or outright protest the show. However, the Developers’ answer to that is simple. They must put Sharon in even greater danger, so that a person of her experience has little chance of survival. Once the audience learns that the odds are against her and this could be her last season, they’ll have no choice but to subscribe and watch.It’s a new show for Sharon this time around. Gone are the notions of fairness and even play. Instead, the Developers will do all they can to get her killed before the protests she sparked spiral out of control. And with the help of a lone individual sworn on getting revenge for Sharon’s past deeds, the Developers may just get their wish.
  • Last Sun

    Michael Trinidad

    language (CWT Publishing, March 20, 2018)
    With the groundswell caused by her continual sacrifices bringing more and more people to rally against The Battle, Sharon and her friends decide to do what has never been done by any survivor, and speak out publicly against the games. What follows is the realization that no matter how cold and bloodthirsty the Developers are, they can always do worse.The name of the game in Sharon’s final season is “reinforcements.” As the battle lines stall out and both teams dwindle in numbers, what better way to ensure money keeps flooding in than reinforcing the current season with a batch of recruits? Not untrained recruits. But ones from schools have already experienced the misery of The Battle. And this time, there’s not one school to choose from, but two.Even if Sharon dies, there is no stopping this wave of public outrage aimed at the Developers. Her job is done. She may even ascend to the ranks of martyrdom and embolden the public for years to come.But surviving the absolute worst the Developers have would prove to them that she cannot be beaten, no matter what they do to her. And that her and her family and friends are not to be trifled with.