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Books with author Melissa Garrett

  • Real Friends

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, Jan. 22, 2018)
    Value books for kids: Real Friends (FREE AUDIO)What can be better than friendship? In the morning Mr Rat could not even think how wonderful day would be! He just wanted to play around but Mr Beaver needed some help! Do you know, how did our Friends spent their day? Where to find branches and bark of the trees? How to work and play at the same time?All answers are in the story!
  • The robber : Bedtime story for kids ages 1-7 : funny kid story

    Melissa Garrett

    Every night someone took away the eggs from the barn. Who was it? And who can solve the problem?If you want to find out the answer, read the story. The Super Cat returns.
  • BINGO: Bedtime story for kids ages 1-7 : Funny kid story

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, March 13, 2018)
    Dear readers, do you have an idea how a dog is a man’s best friend?That is because no animal is honest and faithful as a dog is to its owner. In this story, you will get to know about the bonding of a dog with it’s owner’s family. “Hi, I’m Bingo. A family dog. I love my owner a lot. I try to keep them safe and protected. Not only I help my family but our neighbors too. This incident took place around two days back when my neighbor’s son was playing with his ball and went out on the road alone. He ran to the front of the car to pick his ball. The car almost hit him but I was able to save him. They were very thankful to me.”“Thank you so much Bingo for saving my life.”, Jack whispered in Bingo’s ear. All he could say was, “Bhao! Bhao!”
  • The Clever Cat : Bedtime story for kids ages 1-7 : Funny kid story

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, March 8, 2018)
    Value books for kids: The Clever Cat | (FREE AUDIO) Dear Readers, this is a story about a clever cat who tricks a bird. It is a really interesting story.Once there live a cat in a small town. The cat was a very clever one and it was a very good trickster. One day, while the cat was looking around for food, it saw a bright yellow bird.
  • Where do they meet?

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, Jan. 22, 2018)
    Value books for kids: Where do they meet? (FREE AUDIO)My little readers, you have to remember, that all problems can be solved. You can always find the way out. And do not be scared. And ask your parents to help you.Just read our story about two friends Red Ant and Little Elephant.
  • The Hen and The Wolf |

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, March 8, 2018)
    Value books for kids: The Hen and The Wolf | (FREE AUDIO) This is a story about a clever hen who is a mother to a chick. Her wisdom saves the day from an arrogant wolf.Read the story to know how she did it.Once upon a time, there lived a hen and her little chick.The hen was very clever and was always protective about her child.
  • In the space : Bedtime story for kids ages 1-7 : Funny kid story

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, March 13, 2018)
    Value books for kids: In the space | (FREE AUDIO) Dear readers, have you ever got a chance to go to space to explore other planets?There are many other planets except Earth in this universe. In this story, you will learn which are the types of planets in this galaxies and how they are explored. Spongy was always very curious to find what planets are there outside in galaxies. He told his friend Jason that he wanted to visit them for once in his life. Jason being an aeronautical engineer in NASA, planned a trip for his best friend, dog, Spongy. “Hey Spongy, want to go for a ride?”, Jason asked.“Yeah, where to? Zoo? Safari?”, Spongy acquired. “To space.”, Jason winked. Spongy was very happy to find out that his wish was going to come true.
  • Froggy the Little Frog | top kid books: bedtime story for kids ages 1-7 : funny kid story

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, Feb. 19, 2018)
    Hello dear readers,Which skill do you always do best?How did you learn the skill?Here is a story that teaches us how to learn new skills, through constant practiceWelcome!Roger Shelton wrote: Excellent story! Must get for your children. Great confidence builder also.Conrad Bridges wrote: I have a pretty good idea of how I would read and discuss this book with my children and studentsAlison Wheeler wrote: Very cute and engaging story. Teaches the value of perseverance and don't judge a book by it's cover! My 4 year old loves it!Fannie M. Mooney wrote: My four year old loves for me to read this book to him.
  • The Clever Penguin |

    Melissa Garrett

    language (, March 8, 2018)
    Value books for kids: The Clever Penguin | (FREE AUDIO) This is a story about a wise penguin who won the competition with a little trick.The story is very much fun. Read it and you will enjoy it very much.Once upon a time the jungle games were held.All the animals participated in the games including the wise penguin.On the day of the games, it was quite sunny for a winter day.
  • Albert the Magician

    Melissa Garrett

    Value books for kids: Albert the Magician (FREE AUDIO) Albert the Magician has a crystal ball, that knows answers on all questions. He likes to help his friends to solve all problems. One night Dragon Jeff flew to the master. Do you want to know, what had happened than? Just read our story!
  • Plans for the day |

    Melissa Garrett

    One morning the White Hen woke up early. She had a lot of work to do. In the evening her friends had to visit her. She sat in her kitchen and wrote the plan for the day.And do you write your plans for the day?Cameron Chapman wrote: I read this years ago and still love it. Any child would enjoy it and profit from it's unlikely friendship.Luis Pope wrote: My four year old loves for me to read this book to him.Stephen Hughes wrote: My kids loved it!