Hello, My Name Is Max and I Have Autism: An Insight Into the Autistic Mind
Max Miller
(AuthorHouse, June 30, 2014)
Hello, My Name is Max and I Have Autism is a beautifully composed collection of essays and drawings by Max Miller, a 12 year old boy on the autism spectrum. Max eloquently explains to the reader about what life is like with autism, providing insight into the autistic mind through the words and drawings of a child on the spectrum. Max's work is powerful and honest. It is unique as it is a book written by a child without prompting or direction. His words are straight from the heart. It is a must-own for any educator, parent, or loved one impacted by autism. Hello, My Name is Max and I Have Autism is a story full of hope and gives a glimpse into life on the spectrum as can only be told from personal experience. Written with the intent of advocating for others with ASD, Max hopes to create compassion, awareness and understanding for all autistic children. His words and pictures not only break down barriers, but show how children with ASD are not so different from other kids. They just need a little extra patience. Best of all, children who are on the spectrum can identify with Max's stories and know that they are not alone. The book addresses common questions children ask such as "How did you get autism? Will it go away? What makes you happy? Can you be happy? Why do you take things so literally?" Max answers each question with a drawing and an essay. His answers are raw, true and evoke emotion. The reader will derive a deeper understanding about autism as well as greater compassion for those who live with ASD.