Far to Seek: A Romance of England and India
Maud Diver
(Forgotten Books, July 5, 2012)
Chapter IT hou art the sky and thou art the nest as weU. Othou beautiful, there in the nest it is thy love thai Encloses the sotd with colours and sounds and odours. Rabikdranath Tagobe By the shimmer of blue under the beeches Roy knew that smnmer really truly summer! had come back at last. And summer meant picnics and strawberries and out-of-door lessons, and the lovely hot smell of pine-needles in the pine-wood, and the lovelier cool smell of moss cushions in the beech-wood home of squirrels and birds and bluebells; unfailing wonderland of discovery and adventure. Roy was an imaginative creature, isolated a little by the fact of being three and a half years older than Christine, and miles older than Jerry and George, mere infants, for whom the magic word adventure held no meaning at all. Ludcily there was Tara, from the black-and-white house: Tara, who shared his lessons and, in spite of the drawback of being a girl, had long ago won her way into his private world of knight-errantry and romance. Tara was eight years and five weeks old; quite a reasonable age in the eyes of Roy, whose full name was Nevil Le Roy Sinclair and who would be nine in June. With the exception of grown-ups, who didnt count, there was no one older than nine in his immediate neighbourhood. Tara came nearest: but she wouldnt be nine till next year, which made all the difference, becaus tty q. m Qie would be ten. The point was she coulci Qacl hipa up fsie tried ever so.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to accurately preserve the original format