Go Big: The Insider’s School Survival Guide
Matthew Burton
(Wren & Rook, Feb. 20, 2020)
Big school can be scary. Corridors can seem wide. Other children (including those massive 'children' in sixth form with beards and who drive a car to school) look terrifying. And all of a sudden there are important exams, messy friendships and stressful homework to contend with. But, you will get there, you will make it happen, and you will be the best you can be. Whether you're about to land at secondary school, or your wheels have already hit the runway but haven't touched down smoothly yet, this insider's guide will have you working hard and worrying less. From common misconceptions and acing exams, to embracing your weirdness and building toward your future, the nation's favourite teacher, Mr Matthew Burton, will guide you through your worry-free school journey.