Little Genius: Learning numbers from 1 to 10 in English and Spanish, with easy exercises, age 3-5
Harry Maya
Do you want to teach your child the numbers in two languages?The LITTLE GENIUS BOOK is born to speed up this learning process and lead the child to manage a second language at the same time using the "immersion" technique. By immersion, we mean passive listening through the voice of the parents who speak each, to the child, in their native language. Even if at the beginning the words will only be sounds for the child, gradually with time the learning will be immediate. They will be accompanied by the Kindle and the Audio Book to speed up this learning process. The child will then learn while having fun and without stress.Listening in all its forms is fundamental and is the absolute first thing to do in order to learn a foreign language. In fact, in order for the child to acquire the ability of language, a process of socialization must take place, that is, the child must constantly hear the people around him or totally immerse themselves in the languages that the parents want to teach the child, taking advantage of every moment of the day. This is why Audio will also be effective in learning languages."A child from three to five years has the memory of a computer, which absorbs everything that is injected. This is why he needs to live among people, listen to stories, see faces and colors, experience sensations. the better ". From the scientific studies, after all, comes an answer: the period in which the brain is most fertile is from zero to six years. While the moment when the child begins to pronounce his first words is not exactly determined. Some children start pronouncing words earlier than others. Also, girls tend to do it before boys. There are no exact researches that can define what the children's first words are. What is certain is that they often learn to express themselves with words that are usually used at home, especially those that their parents and the people around them use and that is why they should be helped during this period.The wealth of gestures and facial expressions used by parents with a 14-month-old son influences his lexical property at the age of six. And the richness of a first-grade child's vocabulary would allow him to predict his success at university and at work. In the first four years, the peak of connections between neurons is reached. Their number exceeds that of the adult brain. From four years of onwards, connections diminish. Only the most important synapses are maintained.One trick to encourage him to talk is the double questions. Better this or that? Do you prefer that or this? It is a simple and natural way to encourage the child to express himself verbally, to decide and to feel important ".In conclusionAdequate family counseling support (understood as a tool to learn and apply effective educational methodologies) becomes, in light of what science demonstrates, useful and necessary. Indeed, it is true that the child learns best as a child.