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Books with author Mary K Pershall

  • Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design

    Perry Marshall

    Paperback (BenBella Books, Oct. 24, 2017)
    When Charles Darwin wrote "Origin of Species," cells were considered gobs of goo. But today we know NASA astronaut Scott Kelly's body altered its own gene expressions in just one year (!) when he traveled to space and back. His body executed a direct evolutionary response to the rigors of the International Space Station.Such new discoveries demonstrate how obsolete Neo-Darwinian ideas about random mutation were. New knowledge was resisted for decades. Why? Because it overturned entrenched norms, popular beliefs, accepted paradigms.The old-school Darwinism of yesteryear is dead on arrival. It has been replaced with a new synthesis. If you've been dissatisfied with the choice between dogmatic creationism and meaningless Darwinism, you'll be reassured to find there is a third way. Evolution 2.0 pinpoints the central mystery of biology, offering a $10 million technology prize at to the first person who can solve it - staffed by judges from Harvard, Oxford, and MIT.Evolution 2.0 is the first book written in plain English that correctly explains how evolution works. Cells posses an evolutionary "Swiss Army Knife" toolkit with five blades. Evolution isn't random events. It's RESPONSE to random events. Evolution 2.0 proves that, while evolution is not a hoax, neither is it random nor accidental. Changes are targeted, adaptive, and aware. You'll discover:How organisms re-engineer their genetic destiny in real timeAmazing systems living things use to re-design themselvesEvery cell is armed with machinery for editing its own DNAThe five amazing tools organisms use to alter their genetics70 years of scientific discoveries, of which the public has heard virtually nothing!Perry Marshall, as an engineer, rejected the concept of organisms "accidentally" evolving. But then an epiphany, that DNA is code, much like data in our digital age, sparked a 10-year journey of in-depth research into 70 years of under-reported evolutionary science. This led to a new understanding of evolution, an evolution 2.0 that not only furthers technology and medicine, but fuels our sense of wonder at life itself.This book will open your eyes and transform your thinking about evolution and spirituality. You'll gain a deeper appreciation for our place in the universe. You'll gain a new appreciation for the urgency of these questions as we plunge into this brave new world of genetic engineering.
  • Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design

    Perry Marshall

    Hardcover (BenBella Books, Sept. 1, 2015)
    Creation Evolution Debate: 150 Years Later, it Still Rages. Both Sides Are Half-Right. And Both Are Wrong.Meet the opponents:In one corner - Proponents of Intelligent Design like William Dembski, Stephen Meyer, and Michael Behe. Many defy scientific consensus, maintaining evolution is a fraud. They challenge decades of data in biology, chemistry, genetics and paleontology.In the other corner - Devout Neo-Darwinists like Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Jerry Coyne, who insist evolution happens "willy nilly." Strangely, they sidestep the latest science, glossing over crucial questions and fascinating details. But what if both sides are half-right?What if both sides are missing vital details, clinging on to outdated views, theories, and interpretations?There is a third way. Evolution 2.0 is the first book to lay out the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis in plain English. This new paradigm is rocking the foundations of evolutionary biology right now.Evolution 2.0 reveals experiments which prove that, while evolution is not a hoax, neither are changes random nor accidental. They are targeted, adaptive, and aware. You will discover: -Nearly every cell in your body can edit its own DNA, combating random destructive copying errors, charting a path for its transformation (page 82)-Genes - far from being set in stone - actually change and adapt to the environment. -How germs re-engineer their genetic destiny in real time by borrowing DNA from other organisms (page 94) (it's why your doctor tells you to never stop taking antibiotics halfway through your prescribed course)-How bacteria communicate, organize themselves into armies, then stage coordinated attacks on your immune system (page 110)-Brand new species in 18 months, sometimes 24 hours - Through two empirically proven, reliable systems of natural genetic engineering (page 146)-How and when cells generate new information and genes that did not exist before (page 150)-Why DNA, which is digital instructions for building proteins, is not merely like code but is code, the same way as the software on your smartphone is (page 38)-How cells switch genes on and off in response to the environment, activating new traits that get passed from parents to kids (page 115)If creationism seemed leave out important potentials, here you'll find missing clues.You will discover fascinating real-time evolutionary lab experiments by an eminent scientist in the 1940s, whose work was recognized in 1983 by a Nobel prize & US postage stamp, but then... is still rarely mentioned in school science curricula. High priests of scientific establishment actively oppose research that threatens antiquated theories, labeling results in scientific publications a "media fiasco".This book explores 70+ years of under-reported evolutionary science. Evolution 2.0 chronicles bestselling author Perry Marshall's 10-year journey of in-depth research. As an Electrical Engineer, author of an Ethernet book and world-renowned business consultant, Mr. Marshall connects the dots in a new refreshing way. He tackles hard questions about evolution with precision, making it clear when information is proven with hard data and when it can only be inferred. This book will open your eyes and transform your thinking about life, evolution, and creationism. You'll gain a deeper appreciation for our place in the universe. You'll the see the world around you as you've never seen it before: adaptive, efficient, and incredibly elegant.$10 Million Technology Prize: Origin of Information is one of the central problems in modern biology. No one knows where the genetic code came from; no one knows how the first cell developed. To solve this, the author has organized a Private Equity Investment group, Natural Code LLC. They are offering a prize, reminiscent of the X-Prize, for a natural process that produces coded information. The prize amount is $10 million USD as of June 2019. Details in Chapter 23 and Appendix 4.
  • Ruby Clair: Ghost With A Mess

    Mary K Pershall

    eBook (e-penguin, )
  • Ruby Clair: A Ghost at School

    Mary K Pershall

    language (Penguin eBooks, June 28, 2010)
    The third Ruby Clair book in this series. Ruby begins to hear voices at school - a ghost trying to attract her attention. When the voice proclaims that Ruby's grandmother killed her, Ruby must investigate what has happened and discovers that this ghost is her great grandmother who died giving birth to Ruby's grandmother many years previously. This book has many exciting twists and suspenseful passages. It is also a poignant tale about family and friendships from a young girl's perspective. A perfect combination of supernatural mystery and heartfelt storytelling.
  • Trouble with Ghosts: Ruby Clair

    Mary K Pershall

    language (Penguin eBooks, June 30, 2008)
    'Ruby? I've been wanting to get in touch with you for ages. We're pretty sure you're ready to listen...' Ruby Clair is used to weird stuff happening. Like being able to see the lights around people and hearing whispery voices in the dark. But getting a call from her cousin Nicola goes way beyond the weird. It's impossible. If this is a gift, Ruby's not sure she wants it. Why does the one thing she seems to be good at have to be so spooky?
  • The Dog Stole My Brain: Aussie Chomps

    Mary Pershall

    eBook (e-penguin, )
  • Two Weeks In Grade Six

    Mary K. Pershall

    Paperback (Penguin Global, Feb. 15, 2004)
    It is term three of grade six & the peer group is paramount. Kaitlin has been best friends with Shelley forever, when suddenly she is dumped. How will Kaitlin handle this rejection?
  • Hello Barney!

    Mary K. Pershall, Mark Wilson

    Hardcover (Viking Juvenile, June 1, 1989)
    Barney, the cockatoo, becomes the caged pet of William Jackson of Australia, until, 70 years later, Barney flies out of the cage
  • Hello Barney

    Mary Pershall, Mark Wilson

    Paperback (Puffin Books, Aug. 30, 1990)
  • The Adventures of Frissle the Bear

    Mary Marshall

    Paperback (Medicine Horse Publications, Dec. 15, 2011)
    Cornered by a junkyard dog, adrift on a log in a raging storm, hopping on a south-bound train...these are just a few of the conundrums a plucky stuffed bear by the name of Frissle and his best pal, a flea named Furley, encounter on their sometimes perilous, oftentimes comical journey to find their way back to a young girl named Sarabeth.
  • The Adventures of Frissle the Bear

    Mary Marshall

    Paperback (Medicine Horse Publications, March 1, 2012)
  • The Little Sister Makeover

    Mary K. Pershall

    Library Binding