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Books with author Martin Ballard

  • Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy

    Martin W. Ball

    eBook (Kyandara Publishing, July 27, 2017)
    From the author of the groundbreaking book, Being Human, comes a radical newguide to personal liberation and transformation. Written by one of the world’sleading authorities on nonduality and psychedelic experience, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D.,Entheogenic Liberation is the definitive work on 5-MeO-DMT and its applicabilityto genuine enlightenment and freedom from the illusory prison of the ego. With wisdom and guidance culled from years of direct therapeutic work, this book laysout precise and detailed instructions and methodologies for working with the world’s most powerful entheogenic medicine for the purpose of achieving liberationinto the fundamental unitary state of being. Presented as a form of therapy, this work is free from metaphysics and speculation, articulating practical approaches for deep entheogenic work that can achieve radical and meaningful results. The ideas and techniques explored here could revolutionize the way people think of psychedelics,nonduality, human life, and reality in general. Provocative, challenging, and deeply insightful, Entheogenic Liberation is a must-read for anyone serious about liberationand the future of humanity - a future that is grounded in truth, or lost in illusionand the perpetual confusions of the human ego.Beyond the artificial construct of the individual self lies an infinite unitary stateof love, awareness, and authentic being. By working to energetically unwind the unconscious artifice of the ego, the possibility of true freedom calls. Only you can liberate yourself. Are you ready?
  • Being Infinite: An Entheogenic Odyssey into the Limitless Eternal: A Memoir from Ayahuasca to Zen

    Martin W. Ball

    eBook (Kyandara Publishing, June 5, 2014)
    “I want to tell you the story of how I accepted the truth that God is the only reality, including you, and including me. I want to tell you the story of how I learned that everything that exists is one, universal, all-embracing, loving being, and how all sense of separation or distinction from this one being is an illusion created by the mind and human ego. I want to tell you how I learned this truth within myself, and have subsequently learned to live with this reality as an individual who has been profoundly and permanently transformed by this truth.“Perhaps despite appearances, this is not a tale of spirituality, religion, or anything of the kind – if anything, it is a tale of overcoming and moving beyond the inherent limitations of religion and spirituality as constructs of the human ego. It is a tale of truth, personal discovery, and liberation and transformation. It is a very personal story with universal ramifications, and as such, it is timeless.“I want to tell you of how I discovered myself, and in doing so, also discovered you.”-From Being InfiniteIn this very revealing memoir, entheogenic researcher, Dr. Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., details his quest for self-discovery, transformation, and liberation into authentic being. His journey takes him through struggles as a graduate student in Religious Studies, an unhappy marriage, explorations of numerous spiritual traditions, and deep into the mysterious realm of entheogens. The tale told here follows Dr. Ball through his practice of Zen meditation, his initiation into Mescalero Apache medicine traditions, use of peyote in the Native American church, ayahuasca and Santo Daime, and the explosive and life-altering event of experiencing 5-MeO-DMT with the Temple of Awakening Divinity and his first encounter with the true nature of being as God and Universal Consciousness.A pivotal moment comes for Dr. Ball in 2007 at Burning Man, where he finally admits to himself that he is profoundly unhappy. In order to be true to himself and his heart, he must make radical changes in his life and dive headfirst into his quest for self-discovery. What unfolds is a profound and shattering process of uncovering the infinite nature of authentic being and his struggle to accept the reality that there is only God – that all of reality is one universal being of pure energy, love, and absolute awareness.Dr. Ball has told his story before in bits and pieces, but this is the first time it has all been articulated in one place in an intimate and comprehensive format. Provocative, challenging, and radical, Being Infinite articulates Dr. Ball’s nondual perspective that developed from his entheogenic experiences and the profound transformations they made within his sense of self and understanding of the nature of reality and being. There are many psychedelic memoirs available, but there is nothing else quite like this work that readers are sure to find engrossing, challenging, and maybe even liberating. It is a story that is both personal and universal, and has profound implications for anyone seeking after deeper self-awareness and authentic being, and lays the inspirational groundwork for anyone who is ready to move beyond being spiritual to simply being true, right here, right now. It is a tale of truth, and a tale of freedom from all self-created limitations and the very important role that entheogens, particularly 5-MeO-DMT, have in this profound process.Anyone who is interested in cultivating self-awareness, exploring entheogens, and moving beyond superficial spirituality will surely find this to be a radical edition to their reading list, and just might open a few eyes and hearts in the process. In the end, there is only One, and the task of each person is to discover this eternal truth for him or herself. It cannot be taught. It cannot be learned. It can only be discovered in the core of each individual’s heart, and this is Dr. Ball’s process of doing exactly
  • Diary of a Nerd King

    Matt Ballard

    language (Matt Ballard, Dec. 1, 2013)
    My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episodes 1 to 4

    Matt Ballard

    eBook (Matt Ballard, June 21, 2012)
    What do you do when you get attacked by a pair of Neanderthals on your way to school?Or your girlfriend laughs at you hysterically because you're covered in blue from head to toe and look like an over-sized Smurf?Or you're worried about a Pile of Poo Monster while planning the ULTIMATE REVENGE?Find out now in Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 1 - Smurfs, Poo Monsters, and REVENGE!Pulling pranks is one thing, but teachers pulling pranks on each other!And at school, right in the middle of class!Then Max and Boogie figure out an EPIC prank to play on the Turtle to get him back for the Smurf prank. It's totally wicked awesome!And what's this about kissing cows?Find out in Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 2 - Epic Teacher Pranks, Facebook, and Cow Kissing!Those sinister pranksters, Bugster and the Turtle, are back!Boogie and Max don't even have a chance to get Bugster back for the last prank before Bugster and the Turtle get them again!And the teachers are at it again too! Mr. Grimes pulls a WICKED AWESOME prank on Ms. Bellaboo to get her back for the laptop prank she pulled on him, and all the kids end up in a packing peanut fight afterwards!What do Bugster and the Turtle do to Boogie and Max this time?How does Mr. Grimes get Ms. Bellaboo back?Find out in Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 3 - Brussell Sprouts, Ding Dongs, and Wheelchair Racing!In Diary of a Nerd King #3 - Episode 4 - Flying Monkey Poo, Boogie Men, and Heart Attacks4, Max debates the ulitmate question.... Where can he get a troop of monkeys to use in the Ultimate Prank?And what happens when Boogie and Max are tricked into volunteering at Shady Pines Nursing Home?Is Old Man Hankerson the answer to their Bugster and the Turtle payback problem?Can their noses survive the smell of the laundry room?And what on earth happens when their's an emergency CODE?Find out in Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 4 - Flying Monkey Poo, Boogie Men, and Heart AttacksJust like your favorite TV shows, Diary of a Nerd King has changed to a SERIES format, and just like your favorite TV shows, there will now be a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week! Instead of having to wait months for a whole new book to come out, now you can get your Diary of a Nerd King fix EVERY WEEK when each new episode is released right here on Amazon!!!What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Speaking Drums of Ashanti

    Martin Ballard

    Hardcover (Longman Young Books, March 15, 1970)
  • Diary of a Nerd King #2: The Complete 2nd Season - Episodes 1 to 8

    Matt Ballard

    language (Matt Ballard, Dec. 18, 2013)
    My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 1 - Smurfs, Poo Monsters,and REVENGE!

    Matt Ballard

    language (, April 25, 2012)
    What do you do when you get attacked by a pair of Neanderthals on your way to school?Or your girlfriend laughs at you hysterically because you're covered in blue from head to toe and look like an over-sized Smurf?Or you're worried about a Pile of Poo Monster while planning the ULTIMATE REVENGE?Find out now in Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 1 - Smurfs, Poo Monsters, and REVENGE!Just like your favorite TV shows, Diary of a Nerd King has changed to a SERIES format, and just like your favorite TV shows, there will now be a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week! Instead of having to wait months for a whole new book to come out, now you can get your Diary of a Nerd King fix EVERY WEEK when each new episode is released right here on Amazon!!!What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King # 2 1/2: The GREATEST March Break EVER!

    Matt Ballard

    language (Matt Ballard, Dec. 18, 2013)
    Max went away on March Break and had the GREATEST March Break EVER, so we figured we'd better do a SPECIAL EDITION, full length, Diary of a Nerd King book so you could read all about it!It all starts when Max's best friend Boogie finds out he's going to Hawaii with his family for March break, and his parents tell him he can invite Max to come along.Just like you'd expect from Max and Boogie, the adventure gets crazy right from the start when Max has a run-in with the military security dudes at the airport. On the airplane, Max wonders if the pilot is barbecuing, and then Boogie gets the phone numbers of two beautiful Hula girls who greet them at the airport. When they arrive at the resort, Max can't believe they're at the right place. It's TOTALLY WICKED AWESOME! It has like five different swimming pools and ten different restaurants!!!No sooner had they hit the beach, than some guy comes running by them, screaming, with some kind of monster stuck on his arm! And it only gets CRAZIER from there!What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King #2: Episode 3 - OMG! I'm in Love with OPRAH!!!

    Matt Ballard

    language (, Jan. 2, 2012)
    Just like your favorite TV shows, Diary of a Nerd King has changed to a SERIES format, and just like your favorite TV shows, there will now be a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week! Instead of having to wait months for a whole new book to come out, now you can get your Diary of a Nerd King fix EVERY WEEK when each new episode is released right here on Amazon!!!The third episode of Diary of a Nerd King Season 2 starts with Max scared to open his eyes and wake up after having such a terrible Friday just the day before. Lying in bed, he realizes he's coming up with a LOT of great ideas just lying there and could become a millionaire by just staying in bed!When he finally does get up, Max has some startling revelations. As embarrassing as it is to admit, he thinks he might be in love with Oprah! He realizes if this gets out, his girlfriend Jordan is probably going to explode!What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King #2: Episode 2 - The Longest Friday EVER!

    Matt Ballard

    language (, Dec. 27, 2011)
    Just like your favorite TV shows, Diary of a Nerd King has changed to a SERIES format, and just like your favorite TV shows, there will now be a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week! Instead of having to wait months for a whole new book to come out, now you can get your Diary of a Nerd King fix EVERY WEEK when each new episode is released right here on Amazon!!!The second episode of Diary of a Nerd King Season 2 starts with Max waking up to one of his worst nightmares... or is it? The day gets worse when he gets to school, and quickly becomes the longest Friday EVER! What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 2 - Epic Teacher Pranks, Facebook, and Cow Kissing

    Matt Ballard

    language (, Nov. 26, 2013)
    Pulling pranks is one thing, but teachers pulling pranks on each other!And at school, right in the middle of class!Then Max and Boogie figure out an EPIC prank to play on the Turtle to get him back for the Smurf prank. It's totally wicked awesome!And what's this about kissing cows?Find out in Diary of a Nerd King #3: Episode 2 - Epic Teacher Pranks, Facebook, and Cow Kissing!Just like your favorite TV shows, Diary of a Nerd King has changed to a SERIES format, and just like your favorite TV shows, there will now be a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week! Instead of having to wait months for a whole new book to come out, now you can get your Diary of a Nerd King fix EVERY WEEK when each new episode is released right here on Amazon!!!What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.
  • Diary of a Nerd King #2: Episodes 1 to 4

    Matt Ballard

    language (, Jan. 9, 2012)
    Just like your favorite TV shows, Diary of a Nerd King has changed to a SERIES format, and just like your favorite TV shows, there will now be a new episode of Diary of a Nerd King every week! Instead of having to wait months for a whole new book to come out, now you can get your Diary of a Nerd King fix EVERY WEEK when each new episode is released right here on Amazon!!!What's that... you haven't met Max yet? Well then, here's Max on Max...My name is Max Ridgemont. My sister says I'm the Nerd King. I resent that. She says I resemble that. She thinks she's so smart. Wait til I'm famous from inventing a burping machine.This is my diary, except it's not a diary. It's a journal, or a blog, or a log... just not a diary 'cause diaries are for girls and wimpy kids. There's also a lot of wicked awesome pictures I drew in here too. Don't feel bad if you can't draw as well as I can. Most people can't. Oh yeah, my best friend Boogie and I are going to make millions with our new YouTube channel, and our plan is in here too. DON'T try and copy us. You'll just get upset when you don't make a million dollars and find out you're not as awesome as us.