Three young children, Billy, his sister Molly and her best school friend Lily - oh and a dog called Jack - make 'friends' with people that some children might be afraid of and others might not believe ever existed.If you believe their 'friends' once existed, you should find the journeys that they all go on, to varying places and into different times, to be of great interest.Even if you do not believe in their 'friends', you could still find very interesting the things that the children believe existed from 'where they stand' and look inside a different world from the one that you live in.
Cecelia Pietro lives in Colorado Springs, where she attends Harper Lee charter school with many of her friends. They help in her wacked-out life and sometimes can be very obnoxious. But she loves them anyway. The Latinite/violinist/author/straight-A student/ pianist loves living and loves Colorado.
Three children around seven to ten years old, and a dog, make 'friends' with people that others would call 'Ghosts'. They go on a journey to the past and learn what friendship is all about and how people lived all those years ago.