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Books with author Marion W. Richardson

  • The Night the Mayor Cancelled Halloween

    Marilyn W. Richardson

    language (Marilyn W. Richardson, Sept. 30, 2013)
    Due a blizzard, the mayor cancels Halloween. But Lexie, Jamie and McKenzie talk their mother into taking trick or treating them for just one block. Several other children in the neighborhood tag along. At the end of the street lives scary Mr. Zigorsky. The children learn he isn't what they expected.
  • The Good Path: with scripture encouraging faith in God's ways

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Nov. 1, 2016)
    Children can learn early to put their trust in God. They can depend on His ways to be right. They can pray to Him, study His Word, and be intentional in their behavior. By beginning these good habits at an early age, their future will have a strong foundation of faith. As the friends learn in this story, God wants us to be “strong and of good courage.” He desires that we place our lives in His loving, caring hands and expect a good outcome. May the lesson from this be that God has a good and perfect plan for our lives. We should ask Him to prepare the path before us. We can trust in His ways. As King David says in Psalm 34:8, “O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Here’s to The Good Path!!!
  • The Hanukkah Box: with scripture from the Book of Maccabees

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Jan. 16, 2017)
    Children are sure to enjoy the story-in-a-story style of this informative lesson on Hanukkah. The tale was originally written by the author in A Hanukkah Story, an account of the revolt waged by the Maccabees against the evil King Antiochus Epiphanes. We encourage you to allow the young listeners and readers to interact, question, and make observations just as the group gathered around the green picnic table do. The events described here set the stage for the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Messiah, celebrated Hanukkah as well as the other Jewish feasts. He is The Light of the world. A light for revelation. This book includes historical and prophetic information, questions and answers for discussion, and scripture from both the King James Version of the Bible and the KJV Apocrypha. The content professes Christ as Saviour.
  • Little Dove: with scripture to introduce your child to The Holy Spirit

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 2, 2014)
    "Little Dove" is the 2015 Bronze Medal winner of The Illumination Awards Enduring Lights Medal for Christian Children's Book. The Holy Spirit is found throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. His work is acclaimed. His position in the Trinity is undeniable. He, along with God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son, are described as being together at creation and at Jesus’ baptism. He is called “the Spirit of The Lord.” He seals, anoints, and empowers. The scriptures compare His actions to that of water, wind, fire, oil, wine, and seed. The most frequent and possibly the most recognized symbol for the Spirit is that of a dove. In Matthew 3:16, Jesus emerges from the water “and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him.” It is my desire that young children come to recognize the move of the Holy Spirit in their lives. By identifying and illustrating fourteen actions of the little dove, I hope that the character of the Spirit of The Lord is more understandable to both young and old.
  • Little Flamingo: identifying Biblical expressions of Praise

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 7, 2016)
    The scriptures give us a picture of the many expressions of praise found in the Bible. Over the ages, God’s people have stood and praised, they have praised from their knees, with their face to the ground, praised with clapping, dance, song, and shouting. They have lifted their holy hands in praise. They have praised with instruments, mentioning specifically the harp, trumpet, tambourine, and organ. It is with immense pleasure that Marion Richardson presents one of God’s flamboyant creations, Little Flamingo, as he demonstrates for us what it means for, “every thing that hath breath” to praise The Lord.
  • The Christmas War

    mark richardson

    Paperback (Independently published, Jan. 3, 2020)
    Follow the war at Richardson Elementary School, as the Santa Babies, prove to the No Santa, that Santa Clause is real.And a new Christmas Song ( I Believe )
  • Jesus Did These Things For You and Me

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 3, 2016)
    The author hopes that this book will lead to a better understanding of the things that Jesus did for us all. Jesus came to earth with a purpose and a plan. He was obedient and sinless in all He did. His work was not complete until He died on the cross, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven. His blood paid the price for ALL our sins. May this collection of 40 things that Jesus did for you and me bring you closer to Him.
  • Under The Sukkah: with scripture reference to The Feast of Tabernacles

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Aug. 8, 2017)
    The Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the three Fall feasts which are commanded of God in the book of Leviticus. They are the culmination of the seven holy anointed seasons which the Israelites celebrated as recorded in the Bible. Jesus, his family, the disciples all attended the feasts at the temple in Jerusalem. They are times on God’s calendar which are of great importance to Him. This great Feast points to a time in the future when all of God’s people will worship Him on earth. His presence will be among us. His glory will be so intense that there will be no need for the sun and the moon. It will be a time of great celebration and joy. Oh, how His people will sing Halleluiah to The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, will reign on the throne. The story told here references the scriptures which describe The Feast of Tabernacles. Lottie’s vision is intended to show the symbolism between the living water and the light of the world, both of which refer to Jesus, as they were portrayed in the early temple ceremonies. Jesus “tabernacled” with us when He came to earth and walked, ministered, healed, and prayed. One day He will return to dwell with us. We celebrate now knowing that the day is coming! We look to the heavens and say, “Holy is the Lamb, who was, and is, and is to come!” We sing and shout, hosanna to God in the highest, worthy is The Lamb. Praise King Jesus, may we shake, shake, shake the lulav to the east, south, west, north, up and down in anticipation of the glorious celebration that is to come.
  • Little Monkey: with scripture to introduce your child to God

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Nov. 16, 2013)
    This story is very much about teaching children through example. I have included important verses from scripture which are a Biblical foundation for children. They teach about God. God is sovereign. He is Holy. He is love.
  • Little Lamb: with scriptural instruction from and about Jesus

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Feb. 18, 2014)
    Jesus tells us that He is the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. So many of us fail to embrace the character traits of the children of God. Perhaps if we were to begin at an early age, our lives would exemplify those characteristics of Christ that he identifies in His Word. This book contains scriptural quotations from and about Jesus as well as a page of ideas for further developing the message of this book.
  • Little Hart: with scripture expounding on places to seek The Lord

    Marion W. Richardson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 12, 2015)
    What an exciting time it is in the life of a Christian when they have the privilege of a lifetime spent seeking the Lord. The promises are spelled out in the scriptures. There are rewards for a nation such as having your prayers heard, sins forgiven, and the land healed. Individuals can expect to have life, righteousness rain down, get rewards, have a heart which rejoices, and not want for any good thing. Further, upon seeking God, one can expect to be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger, to have His hand upon them for good, and to be delivered from fear. Finally, He assures that if we seek Him, He will be found. What great blessings these are for those who, like the hart, “panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.” (Psalm 42:1) Believers are not left without direction on how to seek the Lord. The Bible contains jewels of scripture which counsel to seek Him with all your heart, to seek him first, early, continually, and diligently. Seek to dwell in His house all the days of your life, to behold His beauty, and to connect with Him in His temple. (Psalm 27:4) Colossians 3:1 encourages one to “seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.” As you seek to familiarize yourselves with places to seek God, I encourage you to read the references included as they will help you find a better understanding of how God works through these situations. Just as He was with the peoples of old, He is with each and every one today. He is there in the deepest valleys as well as on the highest mountain tops. He is trustworthy and diligent in the wilderness and whirlwind. He is dynamic and strong as in the fire, storm, waters, and the deep. He is awesome and sovereign in His omnipresent providence through the harvest, the heavens, and the wonders. As your spirit connects to God, in His Holy Temple and His gift through the Blood of The Lamb, both which reveal their completeness in His Word, may you encounter The supreme Father, God, in all His power and majesty as the Psalmist writes in, Psalm 42:7 “Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.”
  • Little Monkey: with scripture to introduce your child to God

    Marion Richardson

    eBook (, Oct. 2, 2014)
    This story is very much about teaching children through example. I have included important verses from scripture which are a Biblical foundation for children. They teach about God. God is sovereign. He is Holy. He is love.