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Books with author Maria Baker

  • Put in his thumb and pulled out a plum : stories for a Christmas pie

    Ella Maria Baker

    Put in his thumb and pulled out a plum : stories for a Christmas pie (1886)
  • Ipse Dixit

    Marty Baker

    language (Xlibris US, Aug. 17, 2018)
    Ipse Dixit describes the adventures and challenges of Melvina Vanora Clark while living in the heavily forested mountains of New Mexico. Melvina struggles with the demands of her parents and older brother and receives the dreaded pickle award. She found the Latin expression Ipse Dixit in the dictionary and adopted it as her favorite expression. As she walks through the woods, she is very fearful of the alligator juniper trees with bark like alligator skin and threatening branches. Melvina has a vivid imagination and likes to call herself Chief White Waves. She learns to overcome her fears and celebrate her life.
  • The Bone Orchard

    Ria Baker

    language (, April 18, 2020)
    Maggie and her sisters haven been taught to use their gifts to help others but also the importance of keeping them secret. Her gift is above average (dare we say Super human) strength, sight and hearing and this summer she will also develop a new gift…the gift of hearing and seeing the dead.Having an unexpected gift and not having her sisters there to help her learn how to use it, Maggie decides to come clean with her friends Zack and T, telling them about everything. Together they tumble into all kinds of paranormal trouble. Maggie's first ghost encounter leaves her with a handsome mountain man. A spirit named Cole, who falls in love with Maggie and becomes her friend and ghostly guardian/sidekick. As the summer progresses Maggie learns that not all gifts are fun, especially when she finds the spirits of seven little girls, all killed by the same man and buried with an orchard tree to mark their graves. This forces Maggie to go to the local police and share her secret with the task force, who are trying to catch a serial killer before the next little girl is taken. The case goes public from a leak within the police department and the media also get wind of the a girl that see ghost and the killer now has two girls to kill.
  • Spells for Teenage Witches: Get Your Way with Magical Power

    Marina Baker

    Paperback (Ulysses Press, Dec. 30, 2000)
    The daughter of a white witch presents a colorful collection of charms, rituals, and incantations to conjure up the creative power of young would-be witches, and addresses an array of teenage interests, from an obsessive first crush to the woes of final exams. Original. 25,000 first printing.
  • ALIEN ENCOUNTER: Based on a true story

    Marlon Baker

    language (mysteria Verlag, June 19, 2016)
    Aaron is home alone. Nothing unusual, because his father is traveling for business quite often. The boy whiles away his time in which he digs out his favorite comics and sinks into the worlds of these stories. Suddenly bright lights appear in the garden and Aaron believes in everything, just not in the existence of Aliens. After a while, the boy wakes up again. And what he experience then, becomes his greatest adventures. Aaron was brought into a spaceship, only to discover that the Aliens talk to him, and they also heal his severe asthma ... and in the end, everything turns out differently, than he had expected. A thrilling sci-fi adventure for young and old, with a story that is said to have actually occurred in the 1980s. Also available as short film: Aaron ist allein zuhause. Nichts ungewöhliches, da sein Vater oft geschäftlich unterwegs ist. Der Junge vertreibt sich seine Zeit damit, in dem er seine Lieblings-Comics hervorkramt und in die Welten dieser Geschichten versinkt. Plötzlich erscheinen grelle Lichter im Garten und Aaron glaubt an alles Mögliche, nur nicht an die Existenz von Aliens. Nach einer Weile erwacht der Junge wieder. Und was er dann erlebt, wird zu seinem größten Abenteuer. Aaron wurde in ein Raumschiff geholt, um dort von den Aliens eine Menge zu erfahren, außerdem heilen sie sein schweres Asthma ... und am Ende kommt alles anders, als er erwartet hatte. Ein spannendes Science-Fiction-Abenteuer für Jung und Alt, mit einer Geschichte, die sich in den 1980er Jahren tatsächlich so zugetragen haben soll. ALIEN ENCOUNTER ist zudem noch in Deutsch und Französischer Sprache erhältlich. ALIEN ENCOUNTER is also available in German and French.
  • Everything Happened That Summer

    E. Marie Baker

    Opal Lee and her family are in for a big adventure in this pioneer tale, Everything Happened That Summer. Just about everything does happen, from death-defying deeds to sweet first romances to hunting gold in California. There will also be a few surprises. But no one will be surprised when Opal doesn’t cooperate with her bossy older sister, Elizabeth, or keep a secret diary like her thoughtful sister, Maggie. She really prefers the company of her rambunctious kid brothers, Hans and Fritz, and maybe is happiest of all with Boomer, the family dog. What matters most is how everyone pitches in to save the day when trouble comes knocking—and indeed it does.Opal, Elizabeth, Maggie, Hans, and Fritz learn to appreciate the values they all hold in common. But just as important, they come to recognize that it is their different personalities and abilities that make the family strong.
  • Ipse Dixit

    Marty Baker

    Paperback (Xlibris Corp, Aug. 17, 2018)
    Ipse Dixit describes the adventures and challenges of Melvina Vanora Clark while living in the heavily forested mountains of New Mexico. Melvina struggles with the demands of her parents and older brother and receives the dreaded pickle award. She found the Latin expression Ipse Dixit in the dictionary and adopted it as her favorite expression. As she walks through the woods, she is very fearful of the alligator juniper trees with bark like alligator skin and threatening branches. Melvina has a vivid imagination and likes to call herself Chief White Waves. She learns to overcome her fears and celebrate her life.
  • The Bone Orchard

    Ria Baker

    language (, Aug. 28, 2014)
    Maggie is the oldest of the paranormally gifted McGee triplets. Each summer the sisters get to go to different summer camps to enjoy being known for themselves and something other than one of the identical three.Maggie has been taught to use her gifts to help others but also the importance of keeping them secret. Her gift is above average strength, sight and hearing and this summer she also develops a new gift…the gift of hearing and seeing the dead.Having an unexpected gift and not having her sisters there to help her learn how to control it, Maggie decides to come clean with her best friends Zack and T, telling them about everything. Together they tumble into all kinds of paranormal trouble. Maggie's first ghost encounter leaves her with a handsome young mountain man. A spirit named Cole, who falls in love with Maggie and becomes her friend and ghostly guardian/sidekick. As the summer progresses Maggie learns that not all gifts are fun, especially when she finds the spirits of seven little girls, all killed by the same man. This forces Maggie to go to the local police and share her secret with the task force. The clock is ticking as they hurry to catch the serial killer before he takes his next little girl.
  • Jesus, the Greatest Therapist Who Ever Lived

    Mark W. Baker

    Paperback (HarperOne, March 15, 1776)
  • Escape Reality

    Marina Baker

    Paperback (Independently published, April 20, 2017)
    This fantasy story dances between our world and the world of dreams.
  • Rhymes with Berti

    Martin Baker

    eBook (BertiPublishing Oxford, Feb. 7, 2012)
    A treat for all the family, other furry creatures and small garden birds. The doggerel is by Berti, the prize-winning laureate Labrador, who has been hailed as, a wizard’ by A. K. Growling. Rhymes with Berti is for all animal lovers who don’t mind the English language mangled up a bit and who have a sense of the ridiculous. Also £4.99.
  • Spells for Teenage Witches

    Marina Baker

    Paperback (Kyle Cathie Ltd, Nov. 1, 2000)
    Book by Baker, Marina