The Hobbit: The fairy tales in kid's education
Marcus Knight-Pedrosa
(MCS, Aug. 16, 2015)
The book "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien, adapted to the cinema with the trilogy "The Hobbit: An unexpected journey" (2012), "The Desolation of Smaug" (2013) and finally "The Battle of Five Armies ( 2014), talks about events before the time of "The Lord of the Rings" and its main character is the little and quiet Bilbo Baggins, who ends up involved in a great adventure.The fantasy literature, or "fairy tales", are useful in the children education, since they can lead to the kids’ unconscious messages that are of great importance in their psychological training, preparing them for future experiments.This work goes to show how "The Hobbit" can be more than just a book or movie for leisure, showing children, small and fragile as Bilbo Baggins, a path to overcome their fears and uncertainties.Marcus Knight-Pedrosa is graduated in Literature and English Language, student of Tolkien's works, and drawer.