The Secret of Gray View Manor
Mark A. Wilson
(PublishAmerica, Sept. 14, 2009)
A failed attempt at leaving this planet and going home has left the Little People once again stranded in strange surroundings. Now with the Elder gone, Jameson has become their leader. Now living on the top floor of a retirement home, they have encountered many dangers that they have never seen before. Along the way, they befriend another Giant who helps the Little People learn how to survive here. However, by using the blue crystals to heal the sick and injured, the Little People have drawn attention to the building they are living in. A young newspaper reporter is sent to investigate these amazing occurrences. Unknown to the Little People and the young reporter, their paths had crossed once before, many years ago. A nurse at this retirement home has gotten the young reporterÂ’s attention. When this nurse gets injured and is dying, a locket containing a secret may be the only way to save her.